16 tips for write quality website content for WebPages

write quality website content for WebPages

Good content is not only an important criterion in terms of search engine optimization – in short SEO – but also of great importance when it comes to the general dissemination of their own content. After all, only those who provide their readers with high-quality content can also stand out decisively from the competition and, as a result, enjoy increased traffic.

The key to success here is clearly the reader, because if you can really pack it with your content, your content spreads almost as if by magic. But how do you produce exactly popular content that really captivates readers on the screen? Of course, there is no such thing as a watertight panacea, but with the help of a few guiding principles, it is relatively easy to improve the quality of your own content.

Tip 1: Know your users

It may sound banal to many of you at first, but for good content it is extremely important that you know exactly what audience the main body of your visitors came from. Because only if you have an extensive picture of the people at the other end of the line in mind, you can produce tailor-made content. Furthermore, this factor is also important for the search engine ranking, as Google & Co regularly wants to know which user group a website is aimed at and how well the offer serves the corresponding target group. In particular, tools such as e-trackers or Google Analytics are ideal for analyzing visitors.

Tip 2: Better quality instead of quantity

Unique content is an important criterion for the success of a website, but “Unique” refers not only to the choice of words, but also to the content. So it is better to publish a handful of high quality texts with real added value than a mass of articles that are similar in terms of content.

Tip 3: Pay attention to spelling and grammar

While it is highly controversial whether spelling and grammar affect search engine rankings, the observance of grammar and spelling rules in any case affects the user’s impression. For many, a correct text is a sign of quality and therefore extremely important for credibility.

Tip 4: Crisp headlines are an absolute must

While your site should provide as much content as possible, this does not apply to the headings. When writing headlines, minimalism is the top priority in terms of the number of words. So the headline should not contain a word more than necessary, but at the same time provide as much information as possible.

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Tip 5: Emotions make the difference

No matter if it’s nostalgia, joy or anger: If you can do it with purposeful words to arouse real feelings in your readers, you have found the holy grail of content creation. Nothing is better reflected in users than when a page visit is associated with emotion, such as a spirited and vociferous laugh.

Tip 6: Good humor is never wrong

In Tip 5, I told you that emotions are an important key to success. But what is the easiest way to make the reader feel? Right, a gag! A small, scattered joke here and there can quickly make the reader smile and add value to your content. However, you should not overdo it and under no circumstances exceed the threshold to silliness. Furthermore, the humor must harmonize with the overall context and must not drag down the linguistic level of the content.

Tip 7: Leave your own handwriting

Anyone who wants to succeed in the long term with his website must inevitably set himself apart from the competition with the help of his content. To do this, your content should be recognizable and under no circumstances generic. Be sure to develop your own style of writing and create wordings that are characteristic of your lyrics.

Tip 8: Combine texts and pictures

In order for the content of your site to have a coherent effect, text passages close to images should have a direct relationship to the displayed graphic. For example, captions are an excellent solution for explaining visualizations, and they are also great for keyword storage.

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Tip 9: Also with pictures it depends on the content

If you want to generate more traffic through Google’s image search engine and other search engines, you should primarily use images that have real added value for the user. Again, make sure that the caption reflects the content of the graphic.

Tip 10: Videos as a supplement to pictures and texts

In addition to the insertion of graphics, in recent years, the inclusion of videos as an effective measure to improve the content prevailed. In principle, the same rules of the game apply here as in the pictures, so that attention must be paid to the added value of the moving pictures. Furthermore, here too the video descriptions should reproduce the content in short form and have a direct reference.

Tip 11: Write about content that interests you

Basically, the more passionate a text is, the better it usually gets to the reader as well. For that reason, you should, if possible, create content about things that move you emotionally. For example, if you write compulsively and disinterestedly an article, that usually appears through the lines and can be perceived by the reader.

Tip 12: Stay up to date!

In addition to the text quality and a unique choice of words, you should absolutely pay attention to publish content at regular intervals. Thus, the continuous release of new content ensures that your readers in the long run do not lose interest in your offer. Furthermore, search engines like Google & Co reward websites that publish new posts at regular intervals.


Tip 13: Revise old posts regularly

When managing your content, you should always keep an eye on old items. For example, it can quickly happen that over time, relevant facts and figures that have been incorporated into texts change. Furthermore, existing content can be effectively refreshed with new information.

Tip 14: Find suitable niches

If you really want to provide your readers with new information with real added value, it is helpful to look for niches in your own area. With niches I mean topics and contexts that have not yet been covered in detail by other websites. In this way, you can quickly find an important inspiration for unique content.

Tip 15: Always keep an eye on the competition

In order to be able to enforce Tip 14 effectively, it is inevitably necessary to take a look at the offer of the competition. However, from pages in the same area, you can not only find out which topics have not been covered so far, but also recognize what’s hot right now. So you can see in the competition, for example, based on the visitor reactions, which currently arouses great interest and use this information for the creation of their own content.

Tip 16: Constructive criticism makes you better

As the operator of a website, you always have a subjective perception of your content, which is why it is important to regularly seek the opinion of third parties. Whether friends, family or completely foreign people: Do not be afraid to show your content to other people and to demand an honest criticism. In this way, you may be shown problems with your content that you would never realize on your own. Of course, this includes an own critical ability to it as well as the willingness to revise criticized things.

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