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Google Shopping Actions – How Google Wants To Be Involved In e-commerce

Google Shopping Actions

So far only as a test, the Google Shopping Actions could soon come to worldwide. Google’s idea: buy products directly in the search results – With as few clicks as possible and without the actual shop behind it. This fits in perfectly with Google’s strategy of providing as much as possible to users in their own search results. And of course, the online giant earns every transaction.

Google sees itself with the Shopping Actions as an intermediary

However, Google sees itself here more as an intermediary, because as an online marketplace, as it does for example Amazon. The actual shopping process is extremely shortened by this feature, which should benefit customers, retailers and Google itself.

The previous typical customer journey looks like this: The customer is looking for a product on Google and then lands in one of the major online stores or on Amazon, where he finally buys the product. With Shopping Actions Google wants to earn millions of product searches each day.

Apparently, this function should also be connected directly to the Google Assistant, so that customers can order goods via voice command as quickly and easily as possible. Google wants to bring online retailers and customers even closer together – and cash in on the side.

The cooperation partner receives only a shipping instruction and all necessary data. So far, Google Shopping Actions in Europe is only in a first phase of testing in France.

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Shopping Actions Competing for Amazon?

The attack on the shopping giant Amazon is only logical. Google earns the majority of its revenue from the advertising market, but more and more product searches are starting directly with Amazon. Thus, Amazon is becoming more and more the search engine in the shopping area, a Google for products, so to speak.

If the first search result is an Amazon link, the user immediately disappears there. However, Google wants to keep the user in their own search results with Shopping Actions and thus skip Amazon. Instead of forwarding the customer, you can now earn by yourself, so the thought of the Google people.

Also for online shops, shopping actions can be an opportunity, as they allow yet another channel to reach customers. And one thing is clear: as soon as something becomes easier and more comfortable, it will also be used.

When Google Shopping Actions also appear on the worldwide market and how shop owners can use it, is not yet clear. We will keep you up to date. What do you all mean? A real step from Google, How will Amazon react?

More information is available here.

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