Twitter makes big changes in twitter profile.

Twitter makes big changes in twitter profile

Twitter is one of the most used social media website to share and create information immediately, without any barriers. Twitter with customer base of more than million user recently made a big changes in twitter profile page following the footstep of Google plus. There are five big changes in twitter profile and they are:

Big Cover Picture:

The image which appears behind your profile picture is now very big. The image resolution required to upload an image for cover picture is 1500 x 500. This has been done because the overall content width of your twitter profile has been extended.

 Big Profile image:

With the change made to the cover picture on your profile page, twitter has also changed the size of your profile picture. You can now upload a profile image of the dimension 250×250. Your profile image will now appear on the left hand side of your twitter profile page, below your profile image you will have now your location, website link and the date you joined Twitter.

Bigger fonts:

In Order to give more focus on the content being tweeted, twitter has changed the way tweets are being displayed. Tweets which are favourite, re tweet and etc will be displayed with larger fonts in order to bring more attention to them. Font size and the fonts of individual tweets will have bigger font and different font face. Twitter handler, thumbnail image and your name will appear smaller with the new fonts as per the big change in twitter profile.

New-Pinned tweets:

Similar to a feature provided on a Facebook page known as Highlight, you can now paste a tweet which is very important to you at the top of your tweet stream. This will help user viewing your profile to view this tweet at the beginning of all the tweets that you have tweeted.

Filtered tweets:

This is an amazing new feature. This feature will help you to analyze, know more about your followers and user whom you are following. This new feature allows you to view tweets on the basis of only tweets, tweets with replies or tweets with photos and video.

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