Top 2 Best Free Image Optimization Plugins For WordPress


Content is definitely what Google loves, but not all the it is enough. Since you are focusing the visitors, there are some for whom contents are not enough. Each and every visitors coming to your site has dfferent parameters to measure if the site is worth spending time and one of the common factors that bounces them back is slow loading time. This is where Image Optimization Plugins come into play.

There are various factors that can have an impact in the loading time and one of them is integrating high resolution pictures. We have already had experienced how pathetic the experience is to navigate a webste with full of images and which take decades to load. This is really frustrating if you are someone who spends most of their time internet and know that how speedy the connection is, then you might be banging your head when your favourite website taken a lifetime to load. And the level just reaches to nowhere when it is your own website.

These days the technology has been built in a manner that even an average internet connection speed can also handle these high resolution picture without any issues. But as the smartphone users are more than desktop users, none of the mobile networks are reliable. This is where comes the need for the image optimization plugins by WordPress which ensure quick load.


ShortPixel is a specifically designed for WordPress  which offers both paid and free accounts. There are several features available in this plugin which makes it a great choice for all the bloggers and marketers out there.

shortpixel wordpress image optimization plugin

  • Supports GIF, JPG, PDF and PNG
  • Supports lossless and lossy optomization
  • Restore the original picture anytime
  • New images are automatically processed to upload
  • With just a click, all uploads can be compressed
  • No size limit of the files
  • Paid and free quots are separately treated
  • A separate folder is present that keeps backup of all the original images
  • Options available to optimize the images
  • Option available to remove or keep the “EXIF Tag” in the image

Read Also: 6 best WordPress photo gallery Plugin for wordpress users

It is very easy to setup and easy interface becomes a help for everyone. You can understand this when you start compressing bulk image by making use of this plugin.

Imagify Image Optimizer:

This plugin has been developed by a WP-Rocket Plugin developer. This consists of all the required features like image resizing and bulk compression. There are various compression level that depends on the type of blog and you are allowed to choose one from the three.

1. Normal: This is a lossless compression algorithm. The quality of the image remains the same.

2. Aggressive: This is a lossy compressing algorithm. The compression is stronger, but loss in the quality which is not noticeable most of the time.

3. Ultra: This is the strongest compression way by making use of lossy algorithm. Because of the presence of backup option, you can always change your mind and restore back the original image.

Imagify Image Optimizer wordpress Image optimization plugin

Here are some of the features that makes it a great choice:

  • Resize depending on the percentage
  • Supports different image type PNG, GIF and JPG
  • Images that are above 5mb will be compressed only when you have a paid account
  • Supports for Joomla, PrestaShop, Magento and Shopify coming soon

Just like other plugins, this is very easy to use. All you need is to create free account and get the API key. Once the settings is configured, it is really very easy to use and you can start it right at the same time.

Read Also: Best wordPress seo plugins to optimize your website.

Well, these plugins are definitely very useful and have been tested, but then again  while you are using it, the results may vary. But one of the best things about these Image Optimization Plugins is that they really makes your website worth visiting without much waiting.

 So install them today and let your visitors stay and appreciate your creativity.

I hope I was able to help you with the information. If you found it helpful, please to like and comment.

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