Social Media Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Efforts in 2014.

Social Media Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Efforts in 2014.

According to Google search Social Media is the number one daily activity done by any individual across the globe. Social Media is Big and getting Bigger. If you are not marketing on it, you surely are missing a large customer base. Social Media will always get you targeted consumer and as a marketer you need to create a strategy to use Social Media for improving your efforts. So, what exactly you need to do?

For those of you who have let your social channels slowly develop into garbage, here are three important steps on How to use Social Media Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Efforts in 2014, which will be a much needed face lift.

1. Improvise and Investigate:

A content without execution strategy will always fail to gain the momentum. You need to have an execution strategy, like set a limit on the number of tweets that you need to publish everyday. Something as small as three tweets per day will help you to set a benchmark and a goal at the least.

Investigate on How to use Social Media Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Efforts in 2014

  • Like their page or follow them  to find on how often your competitors are posting
  • Try to conduct an industry research to see the ideal amount of content to publish per day on each channel.
  • Use Google Excel Docs to compile all content as its one of the simplest way to start.
  • Set up a monthly or weekly shareable publishing calendar and involve your co-workers within your content team to provide their feedback before posting.
  • Plan ahead, but continue making additions as necessary.
  • Start using tools, like Hootsuite, Buffer, and TweetDeck,
  • Using these tools will help you to schedule posts ahead of time, monitor and manage your social feeds.

2. Get your authorship with Google:

According to Google, Google gives premier preference to website’s or blog who have their authorship registered with them. Why is it so important to Google?. Google Authorship helps Google understand who is writing that piece of content and what influence they have in that topic.    If as an author you connect your blog or other contents to your Google+ profile, i will allow Google or let’s say Google search to consider your entire body of that content written by you. This will also establish the popularity, authority of the website, social relationships and more. This is a fantastic opportunity for marketers investing in authority building and social media, they can positively influence the search visibility of their products or contents.

3. Use Google plus:

Many of you may by now might be raising an eyebrow about Google plus, as often viewed as the Facebook wannabe. But, it is not going away soon. Google Plus is Google’s social networking platform, which has evolved since its  launch in 2011 and now it has become much more than a social networking platform.  In fact, it’s becoming more and more important for businesses to actively engage and grow on this platform. As an example when you search on Google you will notice that Google plus is linked to a search profile or it comes up with the post. I will recommend  you to use Google plus for business actively as posting on Google plus automatically entitles you to receive free ad space when users search for you on Google.

Google plus also enables local business owners to link their Google plus business page with their Google Places for Business page (earlier known as Google Places), and their website. This directly enables businesses to connect with customers via Google Search, or on mobile devices, and thus put businesses in charge of their brand. Depending on the nature of your Google plus business page, rich snippets of information may be displayed to enhance the appearance of your brand and encourage engagement. You will also be able to provide accurate information and company updates to the end user directly via the search results page.

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