10 most important ranking factors in Google to increase website visibility!

ranking factors for google

[dropcap style=”dropcap1″]E[/dropcap]ven today, a good Google Ranking is the best way to get many visitors to your own website.

But that is not so easy and straight beginners are often difficult with a new website. So it’s important to know what Google values ​​and where you should not make mistakes.

In this article, I’ll go into the 10 most important ranking factors in Google for my experience and give some tips.

SEO is not an exact science

All of the search engine optimization tips, guidance, and recommendations are not based on accurate and 100% secure information. Instead, all SEOs experience, do many tests and recognize patterns.

This means that SEO tips and ranking factors are always subjective. Google cannot look into the cards and with Rank Brain the times of relatively clear rules for all and comprehensible updates are over anyway.

Nevertheless, factors have emerged in the daily works that have also shown positive effects on the ranking over time. Although their impact varies from project to project, the following 10 factors are still relatively undisputed among SEOs, helping to push their own website forward in Google.

The 10 most important ranking factors in Google

Below I list 10 ranking factors (in alphabetical order), which in my experience definitely help to get a website ranked higher in Google.

It is also clear here that none of these factors alone necessarily brings much or in reverse is bad for the ranking, if you do not care. Google always analyzes the complete package and looks at pages in their entirety.

That is why it is so important to meet the following factors as well as possible. This creates the best conditions to rank your website well in Google.

#1. Backlinks:

Since, we already have the probably single biggest factor in my opinion for a good ranking. Even if backlinks are repeatedly pronounced dead, in practice it is very well that good and thematically appropriate backlinks are very important and even today bring a website in Google significantly.

It is important that you get backlinks, especially from websites that enjoy trust in the eyes of Google and that fit as well as possible thematically to your own website. Of course it also helps if you have a lot of backlinks, but it should always be a good mix of quantity and quality.

That it is not easy to get very good backlinks, every website operator knows from his own painful experience.

Also Read: 5 Ways To Create Backlinks That Are Safe For SEO

#2. Domain:

The domain is no longer as important as it used to be. Among other things, this is due to mobile usage, where users often no longer see the domain. Nevertheless, it shows that the domain as a factor can have a positive impact on the ranking.

For example, the domain history is an important issue. Of course, Google knows what used to be on the domain and has therefore built up a certain amount of trust or not. The age of a domain is not unimportant. Of course you can rank well with new domains, but an old domain has a small bonus.

Last but not least, a keyword in a domain still works fine, even if the big time of the EMD (Exact Match Domain) is over.

What is often forgotten in the domain is brand building. Especially for larger projects, the domain name can become a brand and gain greater prominence. Google now gives brands much confidence in the rankings to fight spam.

#3. Content Quality:

Let’s come to my favorite topic. If it were up to me, I would spend the whole day solely writing articles, as this is simply what I like the most.

And Google knows that the bottom line is why people use the search engine. They want to find solutions and helpful content. They want to get their wishes and interests fulfilled.

However, these are very soft factors that a computer can only conditionally analyze. That’s why there are human quality rates on Google who are just looking at the quality of content. In the end, it’s a mix of human judgment (which is far from being all content) and computer analysis.

In order to rank well it is very important to create high quality content that readers like. These include that they are unique, readable and comprehensively treat the subject.

Also Read: 16 tips for write quality website content for WebPages

#4. Internal linking:

Amazingly good experiences I have made lately with the internal linking. SEOs have been swearing by this method for a long time to push individual content and thus to ensure good Google rankings.

Important pages can thus be brought to both more readers to face, as well as for Google highlight. However, one should also note that you do not create dead links that are perceived negatively.

By the way, external links are also important. For example, on my blog, I’ve found that good articles that also link to matching and high-quality websites are performing very well.

Also Read: Skyscraper Technique for link building and its relation to the SEO

#5. Keywords:

Irritating topics among the experts are the keywords. In the past, you only had to repeat the main keyword of an article often enough in the text to get good rankings. The days of keyword stuffing are over.

It’s not a good idea to optimize your keywords for keywords these days, so keyword density is not helpful anymore as a single measure. Nevertheless, the thematically appropriate keywords must appear in the text. It will be very difficult for a search term in Google to rank, if it does not appear in the text.

In view of the comprehensive topic orientation described above, it makes sense to use synonyms and related terms in addition to the targeted keywords. But this happens almost automatically when you delve into a topic and illuminate it from all possible angles.

Also Read: 10 valuable ways to improve the rankings for a keyword

#6. Charging Time:

The load time was also not unimportant, because many users just do not want to wait so long on a website and prefer to jump off again. With the ever increasing mobile usage, the load time has become even more important as a ranking factor.

A small file size helps a lot to quickly display your own websites on mobile devices, but also on the desktop users appreciate that.

In addition to optimizing the website itself, of course, the hosting should be reliable and fast. Failures should never occur.

Luckily, load time optimization is no longer rocket science. For example, there are many WordPress plug-ins for loading time optimization that even non-professionals can easily use.

Also Read: How to read the new Google Page Speed ​​Insights and what’s the metrics say?

#7. Meta-information:

Also a long time a tool of SEOs, but still important, are the meta-statements of the individual pages and articles. Title and Description are still important to Google.

In the title should necessarily be the main keyword of each page, but this should sound interesting. The same goes for the description, which also has a big impact on Google’s click through rate. And that’s exactly what Google measures, of course.

You can still get most of the visitors if you are among the top 3 search results in Google, but with an optimized click through rate, ex- With a Schema.org award, you can also tap down on many visitors below.

Also Read: 12 Practical Strategies To Improve Your WordPress SEO

#8. Mobile design:

Ranking factor Mobile Design On many websites, more users are now using their Smartphone than through the classic computer. For example, in the last 30 days on my board game blog, there were 50.41% Smartphone users and only 36.99% desktop users. The rest has used a tablet.

And this is also the case with many other websites. That’s why you should optimize your own website optimally for mobile use, because that is certainly one of the most important ranking factors. For new websites, you should now even plan the mobile version and use it as the main version.

This may be unusual for website owners, because you are sitting on your PC and writing his articles etc. But the usage has changed so much that you should not close to others anymore. The mobile internet is the future and becomes even more important.

Also Read: 8 Surefire Mobile Marketing Tips For Your Business Success

#9. Multimedia content:

I have already written something about the good content above. In my experience, additional multimedia content has a very positive effect. If possible and meaningful you should not just publish text, but also record other media, such as videos, photos and audio.

There are very different users. While some still like to read, others only watch videos or listen to podcasts. By providing appropriate content for all, one lowers the bounce rate and increases the length of stay. And Google has more to analyze and evaluate.

In addition, interactive content is always a good idea. Surveys, a quiz, step-by-step consultants, interactive bots, and so on, make users interact more with their own website. Not only do they make them stay longer, they also have a more positive user experience and are more likely to come back.

#10. User signals:

Finally, a ranking factor that is already in place in some of the other factors mentioned. The bounce rate, the length of stay, interactions with the website, recurring visits and more, are evaluated by Google, among other things via the browser Chrome.

That is why it is important to offer your visitors the best possible user experience. Of course that starts with the right and useful content, but goes far beyond that. Interaction, ease of use, clarity and much more affect the user signals.

But also social media mentions and the like can have a positive effect, even if nobody knows exactly how important social media is for Google. It is clear, however, that if a website hits Facebook and Co. very well, the user signals will probably be positive.

Good rankings really easy?

Unfortunately it is not so easy. Considering the mentioned 10 ranking factors helps to create a good website and increases chances for good rankings. But they are not yet a guarantee.

If you simply can’t write there is better competition or the users are simply not interested in the topic, it will still be difficult. Therefore one should always consider a website in the overall context.

Are you interested in the topic and are there enough others who are interested in it? These are two important prerequisites for success. Many more I treat here in my blog again and again.

Therefore, I can only advise to gain their own experience and thus to increase their own know-how. Then it is much easier to implement such tips correctly.

What is your most important ranking factor?

The mentioned ranking factors are of course a subjective list from my own experience. What about with you. Which of these ranking factors is most important to you? Or is it a completely different one?

What is the most important ranking factor in your opinion from the above 10 factor? Share your ranking factor in the comment below.

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