15 Crisp Tips on Conversion Rate Optimization to Boost Your Revenue.

conversion rate optimization

How can the conversion in online shops be increased and what are the options for clearly differentiating oneself from the competition and offering the customer added value? The conversion rate optimization is an important aspect in increasing sales, increasing awareness and acceptance of the online shop.

There are a number of factors that lead to a constant and efficient increase in the conversion of an overweight position and only in their entirety lead to higher visitor flows and customer loyalty.

The purpose of the better conversion is not primarily the ad hoc increase in sales, but the establishment of a fixed customer base with regular return to the shop. There is no universal panacea, but a variety in the interplay of working ideas and useful practices,

With these 15 tips, the conversion rate will increase constantly and put the online shop in the focus of the target group.

1. Ensure short loading times

For your shop’s visitors, long load times are a real block and cause the best products to go unnoticed and the customer tends to turn to the competitor. Here is: everything that in 3-4 seconds in a classic DSL line is not apparent, is not seen by the potential customer.

For short loading times provide compressed images and content that can be displayed easily and quickly. But also the overall performance of the website, the avoidance of unnecessary gadgets on the page and a structured structure support the loading time and have a positive effect on the conversion rate.

Also Read: How to Speeding up Your Website Load time.

2. Present products with structure

Imagine the online shop as a shelf in the supermarket and checks whether you find the desired item immediately or already in search of desperate.

If the search engine does not lead directly to the advertised product, it is a point for the customer to turn around on the sales thrust and leave your virtual business.

Only if findability is guaranteed and if, for example, the customer is not inadvertently directed to a washing machine when they are interested in a new coffee machine, then you have the structure under control and offer transparency and clarity.

3. Recommend suitable additional products

I think that the placement of additional products for shop owners is well worth it. However, you must be particularly attentive in this area and offer the products that actually fit the customer’s primary purchase wish.

If I stay with the coffee machine, I can see in this context in a possibly offered mousepad or pen no added value. On the other hand, suitable coffee filters or exclusive coffee specialties persuade me and I can assure you that customers leave significantly more money in your shop when recommending a really suitable product.

4. The eye shops with you!

The conversion rate increases significantly if the product presentation is authentic, appealing and in different perspectives. Since you can touch the fewest products on the web and even inspect in front of my eyes, you have to take this course in your online shop for the customer.

Rotating products or 3D images, as well as videos have long been a good thing and increase the interest and purchase of the customer. With the text you can calm down and put only the concise facts in the focus.

No customer wants to read long texts and collect the information on the product benefits in laborious detail work. Even if the text is not a novel: Provides the reader with added value!

5. Focus on the essentials

A simple and clear design, little / no animation and especially unnecessary bells and whistles distract the customer from his actual thoughts and the purchase decision. Instead of focusing on advertising revenue, I would focus on the essentials, namely the sales of my products.

To make a serious impression and to increase the conversion rate noticeably, flashing banners and kitschy inserts are absolutely taboo.

6. Quality as a decision criterion

You sell high quality products? Then it shows your customers and avoids slogans that remind of a garbage table and promote the cheap mentality.

Just as important as the quality of the products is your service, which you can offer by consulting and insight into the experiences of other customers.

Also Read: How to read the new Google Page Speed ​​Insights and what’s the metrics say?

7. Authentic customer reviews and comments

Studies to increase the conversion rate prove that proven online stores with real customer comments are on the rise. Because not the advertising or a recommendation from you as a shop owner, but the actual and genuine conviction of other buyers animates new customers to opt for your shop and not for the offers of the competitor.

8. Security and privacy

The less data customers have to disclose, the sooner they will order from you. Are you referring to the essentials in the customer data or does it really matter to you which hobby or gender, which nationality or what age the customers have? Also as optional information, the requested information becomes an indirect barrier for those interested and, if necessary, keep it away from the order in your online shop.

9. Customer service and advice

Where can I find the contact details of the shop owner? In order to increase the conversion rate and to support a trustworthy appearance, you must place the information about you and the shop in a clearly visible manner.

The same applies to a support form or a customer chat, which must be visible and accessible not only on the start page, but on every subpage in the shop. If a visitor first has to gather the information together, he will leave the shop faster than he has entered it. Not infrequently, new customers first look up the imprint of a website to get an idea of ​​the operator.

Also Read: 5 Tips for getting more positive customer reviews to grow online reputation

10. Offer several payment methods

Certainly you have to overcome a bit in terms of installment and bill purchase, especially when it comes to cheaper products. But your customers appreciate the offer and tend to buy much sooner than if payment is only possible in advance or by credit card. You wish a better conversion rate? Then do not be skeptical about your customers but show them your trust in the payment methods offered.

11. Shipping costs must be convincing

It is best to offer directly free shipping from a certain value of goods and keep the postage costs even low. Because the customer is willing to pay the price for a high-quality goods, but not the fees for a much too expensive shipping.

12. Give the company a face

Personality is the Alpha and Omega. Without a conception of your company that shows real authenticity and genuine customer interest primarily with pictures and photos, the best offers do not help.

Above all, you should focus on the background and the company philosophy and introduce your employees in support, management and in the individual areas of the shop with name and photo.

13. Small gifts get the friendship

Customers are happy if their order includes a small free gift. How about a ballpoint pen, a writing pad or a small USB stick?

This not only increases the conversion rate when the customer orders back from you and thus binds customers to your online shop in the long term, but also serves as an effective advertisement by printing your logo and even contributes to word of mouth: “Imagine that I have an online shop XY ordered a notebook and get a USB stick for free!”The gadget does not have to be big and expensive, but should prove to be convenient and useful for your customers.

14. Unsubscribe advertising is preferred

Not all visitors of the shop necessarily want to be stopped to receive a newsletter. Give the visitor a chance to deselect ads and remove the check mark in the delivery of email marketing.

For the conversion rate bring this opt-out little disadvantage, since the fewest customers really desist, but look forward to their own decision and leave the check mark in its place.

15. Show presence while remaining discreet

In order to increase the awareness and thus the conversions, you must be present and active. Almost omnipresent. Uses social networks and forums, affiliate programs and other ways to publicize the brand and offers.

But keep in mind that your customers do not want to read new messages from you every day, but only want to be informed about really important things.

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