Yup, It’s Not Just You. Social Media Review March 2019

social media review 2019

Spring is in the starting blocks and brings a breath of fresh air into the social media world.

In March, there was a lot of news for Instagram. But also on Facebook and Pinterest a lot has happened. In our March social media review, we have summarized all news, updates and announcements for you.

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Updates for metrics

Facebook Updates for metrics

In March, Facebook announced changes to some metrics for display metering. For example, the relevance rating will be removed from April 30 and replaced by three new key figures.

The relevance score indicates the relevance of the ad to the selected audience. Since the previous relevance factor did not provide any indications for optimization measures, the relevance assessment should be replaced by the following values, thereby facilitating optimizations:

* There will be a quality rating that indicates the quality of the ad compared to other ads with the same audience.

* There will be an estimate of the expected interaction rate of the ads compared to other ads with the same audience.

* There will be an estimate for an expected conversion rate of the ad compared to other ads with the same target and audience.

In addition to the relevance rating, the measurement method should also change with regard to the potential range.

The potential reach indicates at the ad group level how many people can be estimated to reach the ad. This number was previously based on the number of monthly active users. In the future, the base should be the number of people to whom an ad has been served in the last 30 days. This should bring the estimated range closer to the value of the actual range.

The actual reach will only come out after you have placed an ad. Furthermore, some key figures, which were hardly used in the past, are to be removed. An overview of these parameters can be found in the Help section of Facebook

Abolish targeting options against discrimination

In recent years, Facebook has become increasingly strict against discrimination on the social network. Now Facebook has announced that it will remove some targeting options to further tackle discrimination.

The trigger was a criminal complaint by an American civil rights organization, Facebook denounced last year, with various targeting options to allow the exclusion of certain groups of people. The result: In the near future, ads for jobs, housing and loans will no longer be able to select age, gender and postal code.

Introduction of Campaigns Budget Optimization

Facebook Campaigns Budget Optimization

In addition, Facebook announced changes in ad group-level advertising budget distribution. Starting in September, a rollout of the campaign budget optimization will start. As an advertiser, you will no longer be able to choose how you want to spread the budget across each ad group in a campaign. Instead, you can only set the budget at the campaign level.

Facebook then takes over the automatic distribution of the budget to the individual display groups, depending on how well the individual ad sets perform. So for you to achieve better overall results.

By the way, you can now test the new campaign budget optimization at the campaign level.

Test: New feature for job seekers and testing of hobbies

job seekers and testing facebook

Facebook has recently announced that there will soon be new recruitment features that are currently under test. So users should be able to indicate soon whether they are looking for job search and new job offers. Potential employers can then – similar to XING or LinkedIn – view a stored CV and contact the people.

In addition, Facebook is currently testing a new hobbies feature. Users should be able to specify their favorite activities here. This should give them the opportunity to express their personality better and to be able to make easier contact with like-minded people. It is still unclear when the innovations will be rolled out.

Also Read: 9 Tips to Setup for a More Professional Facebook Page

Full transparency in advertisements

Since mid-2018, you can see on Facebook, which page switches which ads. Facebook is expanding this transparency even further with the launch of the ad archive. So you can now access in three different ways to all ads that one page currently switches:

* The Ads Archive is available to all at the following link: www.facebook.com/ads/library/ . So theoretically you do not even need a Facebook account here. Using a search bar, you can search for a name, topic, or organization and view the ads that are currently active.

* If you are logged in to Facebook, you can also access the active ads of page operators in the app. Under the cover picture of the respective page you will find the message “Site Information and Advertising”. Just click on it and it will open a history about the name change of the page as well as an overview of the active ads.

* In the browser you can view the ads of each page under this link and with the corresponding page name https://facebook.com/SEITENNAME/ads .

By the way, you can also make it easier for your users to see your own running ads and add the “Ads” tab to your sidebar. The URL then corresponds to the aforementioned link.

Facebook is even stricter on political issues in terms of transparency. So you can also see ads that are no longer played. In addition to the motif and the running time, you will also see the budget and a breakdown by demography and region.

Overall, you should always keep the transparency of your ads in mind. For example, you should make sure that you own the rights to your artwork or not unquestioned mentions brand and product names.

[btn btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#bd426e” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fab fa-instagram”]Instagram News Updates[/btn]

Survey stickers now also for Story AdsSurvey stickers Story Ads for Instagram

We love the polling feature in Instagram Stories. And not only us. Around 60% of companies worldwide use at least one interactive element on Instagram each month. We are all the more pleased that advertisers can now use the survey sticker in story ads worldwide.

This was previously only possible in organic stories. You can now create the interactive stories at the ad level. Simply click on the checkbox “Add an interactive survey” and create your survey.

In addition to the question and the two answer options, you can also set the orientation of the sticker in your ad. By the way, the sticker is ideal for getting feedback from your customers and strengthening the relationship with your customers.

New business profile pages for local businesses

Instagram is rolling out additional new profile pages for local businesses right inside the Instagram app. This was reported by some companies where the new pages are already available.

Basically, these additional profile pages are nothing more than location pages and are a bit similar to the info section of a Facebook corporate page. For example, the address, opening hours, contact information and the link to the website are displayed on this page.

By the way, you can find these additional profile pages by searching for specific locations in the search bar. In addition to the individual locations then a button appears, on which you come to the said page. Incidentally, you can claim such site pages for you as long as you are logged on the Facebook page of your company as an administrator.

So far there was no official announcement of the rollout Instagram. So it remains to be seen when the new business profile pages will be available to all companies.

Instagram Shopping: Checkout directly in the app

Instagram Shopping Checkout

Instagram announced the new checkout for Instagram Shopping on March 19th – but only in the US for now. The entire purchase process should be completed within the app. Previously, users who wanted to buy a product were redirected through the product catalog to the company’s website.

The users had to leave the app for the purchase process. To shorten this long way and thus reduce the chance of unnecessary purchase jumps, the shopping on Instagram should be simplified in the future. So colors, sizes and number of products should be able to be selected directly in the app.

In addition, users should be able to deposit their address and payment details. Instagram also saves the data for future purchases. The checkout is also possible directly on Instagram.

Over the next few weeks, the checkout will be rolled out to a number of major US affiliates. But Instagram has already announced that there will be even more shopping opportunities on Instagram this year. So it could well be that the checkout is introduced to us in the short or long term.

New design for Instagram company profiles

In November 2018, Instagram announced the renewal of corporate profile design. Since then, there have been many changes in design, but never been rolled out for all companies. Meanwhile, some company profiles are already in the new design.

These are characterized, for example, by the fact that the profile picture slides to the right and the buttons have changed. In addition, there are no more icons and the number of posts is no longer displayed. IGTV, however, is placed more prominently and linked directly in the profile.

When the redesign will be extended to all corporate accounts has not yet been announced. However, it could come up to us in the next few weeks.

Also Read: 10 Instagram Trends 2019 For Successful Instagram Marketing.

Influencer Ads on Facebook

Influencer Ads on Facebook

According to AdAge, Instagram is said to have announced a new display format for influencer marketing at a meeting with influencers and companies.

According to it, companies that work with bloggers should soon be able to advertise their postings. This should increase the organic reach that the influencer brings to the company through postings and recommendations, through paid coverage.

So far there was no official statement from Instagram. Whether and when this new function will be rolled out, is still in the stars. For advertisers, this new feature would be a great advantage, as they could benefit even more from their influencer cooperation.

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Innovations in Pinterest Ads

Innovations in Pinterest Ads

Only a few weeks ago, the display circuit for Pinterest was also rolled out throughout Europe. Now there are more new features designed to encourage shopping on Pinterest. There were a total of five innovations in March:

* With “Shop a brand” you now have an area where you can pin your product pins. Users can click through the catalog and take a closer look at the products.

* In addition, there are now personalized shopping recommendations. In the future, users will see product recommendations that match their previously saved pins. See “more ideas” for these recommendations. These can then be saved on your boards. Or you click on the pin and you will be forwarded directly to the shop to complete the purchase.

* Also new is that you can upload your entire catalog to Pinterest and convert your products into dynamic product pins. There’s also a new dashboard that allows you to organize your feeds to make finding your products easier.

* You can now also use Shopping Ads via the Pinterest Ads Manager. Simply select products from the Products Feed and promote them.

* With the new shopping search you can search explicitly for specific products. The results will be displayed at the top of the feed.

These new features give you even better opportunities to prominently place your products on Pinterest and reach many potential buyers.

That’s it with our social media review. Now you are well prepared for the next time in the social web. Of course, we will continue to keep you up to date every month with further news. Because the social media world never stands still.

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