Life360 family locator app for android


As a parent, you will always think about the safety of your children, when they are alone outside or inside. If your children are outside, you will be interested to know their location and when inside you will be interested to know, whether they are safe. This is same for all your family members and your close friends. Luckily it is possible now to keep a track of your near and dear ones with the Life360 App for Android.

Life360 is a family networking app, which was launched in the year 2008. Founded by Chris Hull, it is a location based service App. Which means it allows family members to share their location with each other. The app was initially released on Android Market place, but now it’s available for iPhone, Windows and Blackberry users also. Presently it has more than 40 million registered users worldwide.

life360 family locator app for androidLife360 App Features:

  • Through GPS, WiFi & Cell Triangulation technology you are able to locate to location of your family members.
  • Location history is displayed through breadcrumb trails for everyone.
  • One touch, Check In button to notify everyone that you are OK.
  • Through Panic Alarm system it sends notification like Phone call, Text Message and Emails to all your contacts in your contact list, if there is an emergency.
  • Built in Chat enables you to chat with all your family members in private across all phone types.
  • Displays safety points like hospitals, fire department and the nearest police station in your neighborhood.
  • Allows you to view the list of Sex offenders in your neighborhood (This feature can be switched off)
  • It also provides you with a monthly safety report, which lets you know about new threats and resources in your area.
  • Life360 App also allows you to communicate in emergency using its emergency messenger technology. This feature still works, when most of the Infrastructure is down.
  • You also can upload vital medical information about your family member, so that in case of medical emergency this information can be used.
  • You can also create Circle to create separate group. Location of a User is only visible to those within the Circle.
  • It also allows you to create Geo fences alerts, which means you will receive alerts, when a user enters or leaves a location.
  • It also comes with a premium version, if you want to add extra features to this free App like stolen phone insurance, emergency road side assistance, live adviser 24/7 and unlimited places creation. To avails all these features in India, you need to pay Rs 2993.50
  • Life 360 App require Android 3.2 and above for the current version 7.0.1, which is available on Google play store.

In the end I would like to add that, Life360 App is meant for Family Safety, so go ahead and download this app for free. To Download this app visit this link: I hope this post is helpful and informative. If in case I have missed out on any information about this incredible App, then please leave your valuable comments below.

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