How to create a secure and strong Password?


Password plays a vital role in online world. If your password is hacked or forget then you have lost all your personal data. So we need to create a secure and strong password to be as secure as possible.

  • Statistics on Cyber crime

556 million Victims per Year – It is more than the entire population of the European Union

1.5+ Million Victims per Day

18 Victims per Second

Two-Third Online Adults have been victims of cybercrime in their lifetime.

In 2014, 48% perception of cybercrime risk increased, up from 39% in 2011.

1 in 10 social network users said they had fallen victim to a scam or fake link on social network platforms.

  • Common Type of Cyber Attacks:

 Viruses, Malware, Worms, Trojans – 50%

Criminal Insider- 33%

Theft of DATA-BEARING Devices- 28%

SQL Injection- 28%

Phishing- 22%

Web-Based Attacks- 17%

Social Engineering- 17%

Other- 11%

71% of Male and 63% of Female are the victims of Cybercrime.

Using a common password is too risky because it is easily guesses by criminals, so don’t use them (Like 12345, QWERTY, Jhon1985 etc.).

  •   Use the below point for Writing secure& strong Password:

a).  Strong Password are minimum of 8 characters long, but I m highly recommended its 12 or more character long.

b). Contain Special Character Such as @! #$%^&*

c).  Use number

d).  Use a variation of upper case and lower case letters.

Ex: – Ua5#UC%LC@28 (It contains Upper case letter, Lower case letter, Special Character & number).


  •   How fast can a hacker’s guess your password?

 * If your password contains 6 Lower Case letters- It takes 10min to guess.

  * If your password contains 7 Lower Case & Upper Case letters- It takes 23Days to guess.

  * If your password contains 8 Lower Case letters, Upper case letters, Symbols, Numbers- It takes 463Years to guess.

  •  Tips & Techniques use to make a secure and strong password.

Haystacking your password: A simple and powerful way of securing your password.

Password Haystack is a techniques of creating yourpassword extremely difficult to brute force by padding the password with a pattern like (//////) before or /and after your password.

Process of making Haystacked Password:

*  Come up with a password, but try to make it as a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, number and symbols.

*  Come with a pattern which you can remember easily. [Ex:- Such as first letter of each word of your favourite song. (Like ‘Hum tere bin kahi rah nahi sakte’ take first word from the song means we get ‘Htbkrns’ now use a number and symbol between them. I will use here $%472 it the word which i get and my final result is ‘H$tb47kr%ns2’.

*  Now apply a set of symbols like (….////)Now use pattern and repeat using it several times (padding your password).

 Final Result: –  ….//// H$tb47kr%ns2….//// After that the password becomes a Haystacked Password.

  •   Tips which keeps in mind, when write a password:

 *  Doesn’t use common password like date of birth, mobile number, birth place, pet’s name etc because it is easily guesses by criminals.

*  Your password shouldn’t contain words found in the dictionary.

*  Change your password at the interval of 6 Months.

*   Use always strong Password.

*   Never disclose or share your password to anyone (close or far).



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