How to do a competitor analysis to drive your SEO strategy in 2018


While you are about to begin with the SEO campaign, the first and foremost observation you need to do is to invest time on making competitor analysis. Even when it is the preliminary crucial step, the surprising fact is that most of the organizations skip this step and jump right into finding competitive keywords, optimizing contents, mapping and link building. The truth is, understanding about the competitors and where they stand, what they are focusing and how are they working can actually give us an in-depth knowledge about the pattern that needs to be followed. Moreover, you can also find the gaps in between and work on them to stay away from making the same mistake.

Once you have made a complete analysis, you will be able to gain knowledge about who is actually leading in the organic visibility in today’s industry. You can understand about which keywords to follow, what should be your back link strategies and so on.

Importance of Competitive Analysis:

When it is about gaining comprehensive data regarding the tactics that is being worked out in the industry, making competitive analysis is a must. Moreover, it also helps you to understand where the keywords are and what needs to be done for a better ranking in the SERPs. The comprehensive data that you acquire from such analysis will give you knowledge about what you need to do first and how to shape your campaign. You need to observe the strongest and the weakest point of your competitors to understand the difficulties you are about to face and the resources that you need to put into. 

Find Out Your Competitors:

The primary step to competitor analysis is finding the top three competitors in the market that you will want to keep a count on. Using their data for analysis can be a great step. If you are a marketer, then I would recommend you to go for mixed clients, one that is being given by your clients as in direct business competitors and second is the one that you find from online search. While your clients will be focusing more on the direct business, their actual online competitors might be a lot different from the direct businesses.


In order to find the search competitors, all you need is to enter your domain in the SEMrush and scroll down on the segment named “Organic Competitors” and take a look at the “View Full Report” The prime metrics that serves best for me are the total traffic and the common keywords. Once you can find the names of your competitors, all you need is to open the competitor analysis template and fill the URL to find a detailed report.Find Out Your Competitors

Analyze Keyword Gap:

Analyzing keyword gap is the procedure of establishing the keywords on which your competitors are getting good results while you are not. From here you need to observe why your competitor is ranking well and then you require checking about how your website will rank for those keywords. Most of the times adjustment in the site architecture, reworking metadata, rewriting the existing piece of content, writing new contents focusing on the theme keywords proffer desirable results.

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In order to make this report, you need follow certain steps. Visit the SEMrush and write the domain name of your competitor. Post this, you need to click the “Organic Research” report which is available in left side and then click the Export which is present on the right side. Once the file has been downloaded, copy and paste the data on the tab “Keyword Import – Competitor 1” and repeat the same procedure for the other competitors as well.Analyzing keyword gap

This data will give you an opportunity to help through the keyword mapping strategy which is a prime need for the campaigns. Don’t trust on what you feel is working and putting something irrelevant and of no use, rather from this data you can get hundreds of keywords that you can stay assured will work for your realm. This again helps to understand the topics that are required for the content marketing. Hence altogether, you are walking on the right path.

Making Use of the Insights from the Audit In Order to Improve The SEO Strategy:

Finding the data is of no use, unless you actually put them into action. Always try to create a tab of the data spreadsheet that you have got from the analysis and then making use of the information, start making a campaign strategy.

Some of the basic insights that we take from this document is the average number of the referring domains which competitors have. In case we observe that our backlinks are better than the competitors, we focus on content creation. If you are still behind when it is about the backlinks, you definitely need to make a campaign on link building.Insights from the Audit

Another most important insight that we use is the most rewarding PPC and on which keywords your competitors are bidding. You will generally find these keywords have huge commercial intent and will be a great choice to work organically and improve the conversion rate.

Also Read: Top 5 Highly Effective SEO Strategies of 2017

Implement Competitor Analysis on The Workflow:

If you are into digital marketing and you are not focusing on making analysis but cursing the Search engines, you definitely need to stop it right now and start focusing on competitor analysis. Strategically build workflow based on the data and executing them as your marketing tricks, is what you need for your business.

So don’t wait and start making the analyze today onwards. I hope I was able to help you with this piece of information. Don’t forget to hit the like, comment and also subscribe to my blog for more such updates on the digital world.

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