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  • Google Datally- Save your data in advanced way.

Google Datally- Save your data in advanced way.


Smart phones have made our life easier, and to some extent we are all thankful to Google for developing some of the great apps that are very friendly yet efficient. Just before a few days, we just witnessed how simply you can transfer money without the need for filling a net banking form with TEZ and now again Google came with another table turning app called Google Datally.

I guess Google loves to surprise us more than any boyfriend does to his girlfriend. ?

We all know that these days our mobile phone is our watch, notebook, to do list and obviously for communicating. Just like our dads think, we do not only play games, watch videos and listen to music. Our phones are a mini diary and a treasure for us. And the most important of all, is the mobile data. Even when we do not do anything, it tends to fly away, and I still wonder where my 2 GB goes per day.

Anyways, let’s come to the point!

With this Datally, no longer you need to wonder like I do and also I will not wonder anymore, as this app will help you to save, control and understand data. With this app, you can save and do what you want with your mobile data.

Let’s get into details:

Keep an eye on your data:

Google Datally helps to check your hourly usage also daily, weekly and monthly. Not only this, it also gives personal recommendation on how you can save your data. Sounds great! Right?

Control Data Usage:

Datally comes with the data Saver bubble, which you need to turn on in order to stop the background data usage. You can also take a look on the real time data while making use of any of the apps that you have in your smartphone. Ha! Ha! This is actually a speedometer for the data. Also if some app is eating most of your data, you can immediately stop it just with one tap.


Saves Your Data:

At times you require just a little bit more than what you mobile data gives. Datally is a great spy, as it will tell you regarding the nearby public Wi-Fi and also help to connect easily. Once you are using the free Wi-Fi, don’t forget to rate the connection strength, so that it encourages other users to save their data by getting connected to it. ?

Before launching it, the testing was made in Philippines for a few months and people have witnessed that with Datally they can save up to 30 percent of their data. This is available in Google Play Store and compatible for smartphones that have Android 5.0 and higher versions.

At last my data will work like I want them to! Pheew! Thanks Google. This is definitely a lifesaver for me.

Hope I was able to give you the information. If you find it helpful, don’t forget to hit the like, comment and subscribe to my blog. Do write your reviews and something that you want me to write in the next time.

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