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6 Best Ways To Use Google Search Console To Track Your Blog Success


For some, blogging is a dream and for others, it’s a passion. But how about making your passion and dream a way to earn great revenue? Sounds great right?

Well yes, you can definitely earn great from blogging by gearing it up but it requires patience and zeal to reach the success. But in the process of reaching the success, you need to track your visitors step to track the blog success. Well, there are various ways of getting insights into the blog success by Google Analytics, PageSpeed Insights, Google Search Console and much more. All you need to do is to interpret your data and get the valuable insights.

Let us find out how Google Search Console can help to improve your business:

  • You will be able to know which channel will be great and most lucrative for businesses
  • You will be able to define which segment of users is mostly important for you
  • You can draw the paths that users follow when they usually arrive on your website
  • Check if the Googlebot will be able to crawl the website
  • Check the most visited pages of your website or which queries is leading the users to your website
  • Get complete information on how the site can be seen on the mobile devices along with how fast it is loading on the mobile or desktop devices

Advantages of connecting with Google Search Console and Google Analytics with WebCEO:

The information that you get on Google Analytics changes drastically according to the targeted keywords and which pages you need to optimize with the keywords. When you have Google Analytics connected with your website, all your decision will be data driven.

  1. Find the keywords from Search Console:

Visit the Keywords from the Google Search Console report and then connect to your search console. Once you have done it, you will be able to know about the many times your website has been shown in the search results of Google on a specific keywords, click through rate, the many times web surfers are clicking on your website and average position of the site for each and every keyword.Find the keywords from Search Console

Add the keywords that have high avg. positions but have low CTR and also keywords with low avg. positions and high CTR. These are the keywords that can proffer great results in future.

  1. Check the number of visitors coming organically in keyword basket:

When keyword strategy is being backed with data, you are on the right way to success. All you need is to check the WebCEO Keyword Research tool setting and then click on the tab called “Organic visits”. In case the Google Analytics has not been synced, it will ask you to do it in the very first place. Once you have done that, now check the keyword basket. Check the organic column to find out how many visitors have found you with the keywords.

Use this data to refine your keyword strategy and optimize your blog traffic organically.

Also Read:  5 Hacks How To Use Title Tag To Increase Your Blog Traffic

  1. Optimize your popular pages:

Are you thinking how should I select which page to optimize? Well, here is a trick which is old yet highly effective. One of the most followed methods of finding pages is to choose those pages that are being shown on SERPs and optimize them with the keywords to improve the ranking.

You will get a detailed report on the many times the pages are been shown on the results, click through rate, number of clicked by the web surfers along with the page’s average position in the search engine. Everything will be there in Most Popular Pages report.optimize your popular pages

  1. Check the number of visits your landing pages are getting:

You can also get detailed report on the landing page progress. This can keep a proper track on it. When the search console and Google Analytics are connected, you will be able to observe the number of visitors on your page and also the position of each and every page. You will be easily able to observe the previous results to check if you are going in the right path or of any page require more attention.

Also Read: Top 5 Highly Effective SEO Strategies of 2017

  1. Check the traffic of the ranked keywords:

This is another amazing advantage of integrating the Google tools in the Rank Tracking Report. Make sure all the visits from any other search engines and also the visits from the Google options are being selected in Rank Tracker settings. You will be able to observe the visits that are there in your website from the keywords. This is an important step for a successful traffic prediction.

  1. Keep an eye on the traffic coming from the social networks:

Well, yes, you can check social engagement from Google tools as well. You will be finding the social engagement tool which will give an insight to how effective your social platforms are. This analyze will be great and will help you to work properly on your marketing.

There is no doubt that search engine is a big job as it is based on huge analysis. When Google gives you such a great opportunity to keep a track on your blog, then why not use it for your purpose. I find Google Search console a great partner for my blogging and I hope after reading this, you will be able to access and make full utilization of it.

Hopefully I was able to let you know about how to track the blog success. Don’t forget to hit the like, comment and subscribe for more such information.

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