8 Best Ways To Promote Your Android App

Promote Your Android App

So, are you an Android app user? If yes, then you should definitely read this. If you are in thinking stage, then this stands a fair chance. You have a lot of perks ahead of you. If you have just started your business, then you must be budget-bound. However, that should not be a limitation, as most of the strategies are free. If you use some of the paid ones, they are bound to fetch you the best returns as well. So, read on. Find out the best ways to promote your android app.

You will be amazed to know that the app market reached staggering figures of USD 365 billion in size. In the next few years, this figure is bound to treble.

How To Promote Android App?

There are numerous ways, you can advertise or promote your app today. Let us go through a few of them. Today android app promotion is important.

Follow Various Android Design Principles

You need to design your app, in a way so that it starts performing from day one. A well-designed app is important today. Google has made some information available on Material Design. You can go through the entire tutorial to create effects similar to that of paper and ink. You should definitely pay attention to the elements required for designing the perfect mobile app today. UI or the user interface is really important. Today android app promotion is a huge task. There are a variety of Android design guidelines that you can utilize today. There are design principles, material design, and more. Check out the color schemes and Android color guide. Android powers multiple devices like mobile phones, tablets, and other devices as well. So, you need to test its design principles on a variety of platforms and devices.

Set Up Android Beta Testing

You must have received the advice to test your apps before release. You should be sure about its effectiveness. Your app should be ready to meet its target audience. Imagine one without bugs and something that is focussed on user’s needs. Perform a Google Play Beta Test to ensure that your users are happy from the very beginning. To test the apps for effectiveness, some app owners make it public before the release date. That enables the owners to find out, if it is lagging behind. This gives the owners ample time to make corrections. Promote your android app today and get more users.

Ensure The Existence Of Feedback Channels

You need to keep the channels for communication open between your service and the customers. The channels should be open, even after minimising the churn rate. Take advantage of the most popular feedback channels today. Use Slack, for relationship building.  Now, promote your android app in the best way possible.

You Should Utilize ASO

It is indeed very crucial to optimize your app store page. You can visit Google Play Store and insert your app’s name therein. Add relevant keywords to the app title and description. The next step is to empathize with your customer. Make an app intriguing with a brilliant cover design. You should keep the app title below 30 characters. You should add high-quality screenshots. Preview the video so that it fits with your target audience’s profile. Visit sites offering the ‘best tips to write amazing app store descriptions’ to get the best ideas. App Store Optimization is indeed very important today. So, if you want more people to download your app, then you have to take care of the optimization part. Moreover, you need to take high quality screenshots and also pick the right category.

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Use Social Media Marketing

There are lots of loyal users for the various social media sites. You need to act really smart and focus on quality. Quantity comes second. Deep linking is something that is beneficial in the long run. You can now create the most amazing campaigns for your apps. You can boost and promote your android app, today with numerous tools. You should always choose social media platforms that are visited by your target demographics. You have to be regular with your posts. That does help today.

Find A Social Media Influencer

You will find plenty of experts to help you in perfecting your app. There are influencers on the prowl. However, you need to tie-up with the right one. You can make them agree to promote your app in exchange for a small commission. They are the secret behind the most successful Android apps today.

Get Featured On Android Related Media

You will find immense opportunities to promote your app today. There are quite a few platform suggestions to promote your app today. They are:

Android Review Websites

You can find a few Android Review websites today. You can take the example of Android Apps, App Brain, and AndroLib to name a few.

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Android Related Forums And Groups

You have to browse through some Android forums before finalising the app. This is an important part of the development process. You can also promote your Android app on the platform. Some of the communities are Reddit, Android Community, Android Developers Forum and AndDev.

Consider Using Press Coverage

This is an additional technique that you should utilize today. This will help you to increase the visibility of your app.You have to get ready with a press kit and entice the reporters. You should engage massive PR strategies to take leverage of the market.

Referral Campaigns

After you have managed to get customers for your app, try to get referrals. Referrals can take your business forward. Build an App referral program today.

These are some of the best ways to promote android app. These are some of the main ways you can promote your app. However, there are plenty of others. Now, all of them may not prove to be effective. Now, make the best ones a part of your plan. You can get ample advantage from these app promotions. With so much in store, now you can give your app the much-needed boost.

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