8 Basic Tips For A SEO Optimized Blog Post


Writing a great piece of content is indeed a skill. In order to keep your audience engages, there is always a need to think about writing appealing texture along with its structure. By providing an attractive title, understandable subheading, and short paragraphs, you can actually grasp the attention of readers. When readers like your content, they will be more inclined to linking, liking, sharing or retweeting it and this is what is the main factor in increasing the rank. Therefore when is about getting a better rank, the prime focus needs to be on the writing skill.

For some marketers, writing SEO contents to captivate the audience might seem contradictory goals. But if you write SEO optimized blog post by focusing mainly on keywords can immensely affect the readability of the content. This is the reason why when your main focus is to attract the audience and increase the rank, you need to keep both in mind. Both indicate one is maintaining its readability by maintaining its SEO factor and another is using attractive texts for getting more and more readers.

So let check the writing tips that make a great blog post:

Before keeping any other thing in mind, you primarily need to focus on writing a good piece containing genuine information. There are many bloggers who just start writing, whatever they want to, but that should not be in this way. There should be certain rules that need to be followed before creating.

1. Think Twice, Before You Write:

You need to be very alert when it is about writing. Your content should have some agenda and some inner meaning, it should not go haywire. Think about what is the purpose of this content? What message do you want to convey to the readers? Without any inner message, content is worthless. Therefore make sure about the message before you start writing to get genuine readers.

2. Structure of The Blog:

Each and every blog follows a certain structure and so should be your blog post. Every post needs to have a structure

  • Introduction, which will give the readers an introduction about the topic
  • Body, which will include the message of the blog post
  • Conclusion, which will summarize the entire blog in a few sentence

When you break your blog into these three sections, you will be able to get more engagement from your blog. Also, the words that you are using play a vital role.

3. Paragraphs:

Always make sure that your blog post is divided into many paragraphs that make sense.  It is always advisable not to write in one bog paragraph as your readers will find it very boring, also do not make insensible new paragraphs. There should be new paragraphs but in a way that each paragraph has something new related to the previous one. Also, do not make the last line of the previous paragraph seems to have no relation to the next paragraph.

Every new paragraph needs to have the sync with the previous but should have a new idea.

4. Use Headings:

 Subheadings or heading you can say plays a major role. If you are writing a lengthy article, your article should have a good number of headings. Moreover, the heading should be a brief sentence that will describe the entire paragraph.

There is always a chance that your readers do not like the first paragraph and they decide to drift away. In such scenario, if they find an attractive subheading, it will create a curiosity and compel them to stay on the page and read it. Also when you use the keywords in your subheading (not all of them), it helps Google rank your article faster.

Also Read: Does Writing Style Matters In Content Marketing?

5. Recheck Your Post With Someone:

It is always advisable to recheck your post with someone else in order to find whether that person is able to understand the message you want to convey. Also, it helps to find out the mistakes that you yourself will not be able to find.

In case you don’t have anyone to recheck, try posting it the next day. Read before you post, as it will help to find out the mistakes that you have made.

6. Length of the Content:

If you are an internet person, I am sure by now you are aware that Google loves fresh long contents. So, yes, you got that right. You need to create long contents but then again don’t scare readers by making it too lengthy. A minimum of 300 words is acceptable and you can make it to 1500 words. Write the keywords in the first, last and keep it somewhere in the middle. The percentage that needs to be maintained is 1 – 2 percent of the text.

7. Link Previous Contents:

In order to keep your readers engaged, always link the previous topics in your current blog post. If it is relatable to your post then you can easily mention it but in case it is not, you can use “Also Read” with the “Title” and then link it with the previous post. This can help to rank your blog in Google much faster than you can think.

Also Read: Top 3 Simple Ways To Identify The Trending Contents

8. Keep Adding Contents Regularly:

When you keep adding informational contents every day, you will get more and more visitors to your blog. Also, this gives Google the idea of being an active website and help in crawling more. When your website posts less content, it gives Google the information that your website is less active thereby ranks badly. Keep posting daily and keep the readers informed about the information that you are sharing.

So, this was all about the simple ways to make SEO optimized blog post. Well, if you are someone who posts a blog, you will be able to find the section “SEO” down the page. There are three parameters – Red (Needs Improvement), yellowish Orange (Ok) and Green (Good). Make sure you follow these parameters and you will be able to get the ranking very soon.

Hopefully, I was able to give the information about writing SEO friendly contents. Like and share it, if it was helpful. Also, do subscribe to my blog to get further updates.

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