7 Powerful Habits you must follow for successful social media marketing


If the question is, “Is social media meant for personal use?”

The answer is simply a NO. Social media, these days have taken most of the market and is more than just building the network. This is a platform where you can advertise you product, sell it online and for various marketing procedures.

Social media has become so much crucial when it is about marketing a product. When you have your own business, you definitely need to maintain your social networking channels.

This is no way a simple task and therefore to simplify the complete advertising trend for all the growing entrepreneurs, I have decided to come up with this blog that will be describing the social media marketing along with stressing on the useful strategies that you can utilize to run your online business effectively.

Before we start with the strategies, let’s briefly find out what is social media marketing.

In general words, social media marketing is the procedure of increasing the number of visitors or the customers by means of marketing products or services through the social media platforms. The entire procedure of this social media marketing revolves around creating different forms of contents which you will be able to share in other social media networks.

With more number of mobile phone users and accessibility to Internet, the overall concept of social media marketing has become a need for marketers. Even when it is highly effective if followed the right procedure, it is not expensive at all.

The known social media platforms that businesses require emphasizing on are Twitter, Instragram, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Linkedln.

So here I have made a strategy for social media marketing when followed can endow with effective results.

1. Focus on Multimedia based content

When you have made an instructional article that have been explained in two formats, one is an Article and another is in Explainer Video, which one would you prefer?

The explainer video, right?

Well, this is common as majority of the people don’t have much time to read the article. Lengthy article means more time to read, while an interactive video will become easy for the viewers and readers. It will attract more and more viewers than written contents.

When you do this, it will result in giving good quality and much more readable content to your viewers. Multimedia contents in the form of images, videos and audio files attract more attention towards it and keep your viewers stuck throughout.

This is the reason why more than writing contents, more and more high-end brands are up to making Instagram and YouTube videos.

2. Customized Your Posts As Per The Social Media Channel

Do you have ever questioned yourself that why there are so many social media platforms on the internet? The simple answer is because we all want to get the best experience from the Internet.

Different platforms serves different purpose, just like when we want to watch a gadget review video, we will inevitably visit YouTube to know in details about the gadgets. But when it comes to reading contents, then definitely we will follow Twitter. If we are more into Infographics, then Pinterest is the only destination and this is how each and every social media channels serve us.

Every social media network has its own list of advantages and follows a definite pattern.

This is the reason why it is always recommended to the businesses to customize posts as per the platform in order to attract more and more viewers.

When you post for all the social media networks, it builds credibility and also increases the number of followers.

Also Read: 5 quick tips For optimizing social media channels to get more engagement

3. Creating Engaging Contests on Your Social Media

A great way to engage more and more viewers is to create contests or campaigns.

If you can promise reward to the contests, then your campaign will definitely end up rewarding you. The more social campaign or contests, the more subscribers and followers to your channel.

It will do wonders if you create contests related to the trending or hot topic on the different social media platforms. You are indirectly letting people know about you and know their interest as well.

To be more precise, you are not only engaging targeted audience, but also compelling them to buy from you by letting them know the benefits.

4. Prompt Response to the comments & Queries

If you are a social person or stay active in social media platforms, then you as a customer or as a viewer when comment something and get something back as a reply, it feels good. Isn’t it? It actually feels that someone is concerned about your interest.

This is exactly the same when it comes to your viewers.

When you have posted something or a contest, where your viewers are showing interest by commenting, it is your duty to respond to their comments or reviews. Even if the viewers do not find it good enough for them, it is your duty to apologize and ensure them that you will be looking for an immediate solution.

Prompt reply is actually a great way of convincing the customers regarding your concern about them.

Also read: Social Media is the Key of Online Rewards Programs

5. Conduct More online Surveys & Polls

Are you confused while taking any decision? Or do you need some opinion about something new?

Well, if this is the confusion then your help lies with your audience. Social Media channels can be a great solution for your confusion.

There are various ways to connect to the targeted audience and knowing their thoughts on this, but the easiest and authentic way is to conduct surveys or polls online and also asking your viewers and followers regarding their opinion.

Online polls on Twitter, Facebook and various other platforms will let your customers know that you actually value their opinion.

6. Maintain a Schedule while Posting:

Just like we follow a pattern when it comes to daily activities, posting should have some schedule.

You need to find out the best time that engages most of the customers. Posting haphazardly can result in leaving your targeted audience unnoticed regarding the posts. So find out a specific time and follow it to engage more and more people.

As I have previously discussed about the scheduling apps that you can use to keep your posts on time, make sure you don’t miss them to reach the targeted audience.

7. Pay More Attention On The Marketing Metrics

Well, when you have made the strategy, it is definitely appreciable, but it is also very important to keep an eye whether they are actually working or not.

Paying attention to some of the metrics can help you get knowledge about the effectiveness of the strategies. Well, there are several tools available online that can help you to know the marketing metrics.

Marketing metrics that you need checking are:

  • Reference links that is redirecting most of the visitors to your website
  • The most visited page by your viewers
  • Average number of pages the viewers is visiting in your website
  • Last but never the least, the amount of time they are spending

Make sure you check each of them to understand where your website is standing and how much people are liking it.

Phew! I have completed at last! So these were the top 7 most powerful habits that you need to follow to accomplish great results from social media marketing.

So I hope it was helpful for you. Don’t forget to hit the like, share and comment. If you have other effective strategies, do mention it on the comment section so that I can work on it.

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