6 Best SEO Tools To Perform Better In Search Engines


With every passing time, search engine optimization is taking a new leap and therefore it is crucial for the marketers to keep n eye with the updates and make strategy as per the latest norms. Something that was relevant previous year might not be a great choice today, which brings the need for keeping yourself updated. So to get rest from these hurdles, today we will discuss about the top 6 best SEO tools of 2017.

Well, we all know that the only job of SEO is to make the website visible by bringing them in a rank in the top SERPs like Google, Bing, Yahoo and much more. This is where the SEO tools become very helpful for the marketers.

Driving more and more driving to your website is only possible when you website has that rank. In order to get that top ranks, SEO experts apply various strategies and make use of these tools. These are very helpful in optimization. If you are a SEO beginner and want to know about the most effective tools, then keep reading.

The Different SEO Categories and Tools:

There are different types of SEO tools available in the online world and each serves best for their purpose. This is the reason why here I have categorized them. Some of these are paid while others are free depending on the features.

Main SEP Categories:

  • Keyword analysis
  • Content Generating Ideas
  • Technical Tools

Let’s get basic insight about the tools:

#1: Google AdWords: Best Keyword Analysis Tool

Google AdWords- Best Keyword Analysis Tool

We all know that keyword analysis is the primary step of SEO. Without making keyword research, you cannot do search engine optimization. It is actually the link that gets visitors to your website, making it popular when done strategically. Only when you are able to find the top competitive keywords, your business gets more visibility.

When it is about keyword analysis, keyword planner is the top tool. This is free and provided by Google for analyzing keywords. Other than this, Google AdWords also help you acquire better idea about the traffic generating strength of the particular keyword.

Major Advantages:

  • Faster and better keyword analyzing
  • Easy creation of adwords campaign
  • Works as a great spy to check competitor’s keywords
  • Create site’s silo structure
#2 Keywordtool.io: Keyword Analysis Tool

Keywordtool.io- Keyword Analysis Tool

Keyword Tool is another great SEO tool when it comes to analyzing keywords. This is a free yet very effective keyword analyzing tool. When you are more into finding long tail keywords, this tool can give your huge idea about the keywords.

Major Advantages:

  • You can get many related keywords
  • You can use these keywords as LSI keywords

Also Read: Top 5 Highly Effective SEO Strategies of 2017

#3 Siteliner: Best Tool for Checking Duplicate Contents

Siteliner- Best Tool for Checking Duplicate Contents

Next to making proper keyword analysis, you need to write engaging contents using those keywords. As we all know Google penalize the website that have duplicate contents and therefore prior to using contents on your website, make sure you crosscheck once. Siteliner is a great tool that can check if the content is duplicate, broken links and various other issues which harms keyword ranking in a major way.

Major Advantages:

  • Helps in internal linking
  • Identify duplicate contents
  • Offer quick evaluation of the page sizes
#4 Seochat: Advanced Meta Tag Generator & Google Search Results Preview

seo chat- Advanced Meta Tag Generator & Google Search Results Preview

This is one of the most effective tools which reveal how the search listing would be displayed on Google search results once the Meta tags are manually given on the tool. It has a very easy use and the search list can be downloaded for future development. This can be done in three simple steps.

  • All you need to input the Meta tags or the URL
  • Post, this will be able to get a look at the search listings on the SERPs
  • Add the keyword Meta tags so that they look bold
  • Add Google plus URL in order to acquire Authorship-empowered result
  • Download the screen of the search listing

Also Read: 5 Hacks How To Use Title Tag To Increase Your Blog Traffic

#5 WooRank Plugin: Great Onpage SEO Checking Tool

WooRank Plugin- Great Onpage SEO Checking Tool

Even when the WooRank tool has some premium features, once you start using it, you will find that this tool proffer some of the really handy insight that is great from SEO point of view. When it is about checking the onpage SEO, this can be a great choice as you can acquire details just in a few minute.

Major Advantages:

  • It has easy user interface and offer good data
  • For mobile section, you can find useful data
  • It comes with good social shareability
#6 GTmetrix: The best site speed checker

GTmetrix- The best site speed checker

As we all know how much it is important to maintain the site speed. Even I have posted a blog on how it impacts on the readers and therefore checking the site speed is a need. Page loading speed is a major parameter of site performance. This app helps to track the performance with graphs, alerts and monitoring.

Major Advantages:

  • It makes page analyze by utilizing Yahoo and Google PageSpeed
  • Gives you a complete data on the page performance depending on all other sites’ average speed
  • Give a total page size, total number of requests and total time taken to load the page

Well, so these are the top 6 best SEO tools when used systematically proffer best results. Each has its own purpose; all you need to make sure is using the right tool for right purpose.

So I hope I was able to give you complete information regarding the best SEO tools. If you find it helpful, don’t forget to like, comment and share.

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