3 Awesome Tools to Handle Event Registration in WordPress

wordpress event management website

Event management industry is one of the fastest growing in the world. Furthermore, with all the latest technological achievements and advancements that we are facing, the situation on this front seems more and more optimistic. Social networks, internet and modern event organization technology (like drone recording) have all done wonders for it, however there is still room for improvement. Here, we are of course talking about the issue of event registration and WordPress (WP) tools that can make this much more effective. With this in mind, here are three WP software that can once and for all solve any problem with event registration you may have had in the past.

  • Eventbrite

If what you are looking for something that integrates smoothly into WordPress, you simply cannot go wrong with Eventbrite. Now, the best trait of Eventbrite is most definitely that it is extremely easy to setup and even easier to use. For this reason alone, it would be a wholehearted recommendation to anyone who has never dealt with this kind of software before. All you need to do is register on their website and enter some basic parameters such as date, name and the location of the event. After this is done, it creates tickets with various price ranges and launches them for sales.

The way in which you pay for it depends greatly on how you use it. For instance, this software charges 2.5% of the ticket value and then adds to this price $0.99 per ticket. If you decide to go with Eventbrite as your credit card processor as well, then you have to pay additional 3% of the ticket price as a processing fee. Needless to say, if you go for another processor, you are going to pay more.

  • Tickera

Regardless of how much fun working in the event management can be, no one is doing it just for the thrill of the game. This is a business like any other, which means that your paramount is making profit. However, this is not always as simple as it seems. The way in which most event organizers make money is by selling tickets, but the greatest problem with making money here is that there is always a middleman between the organizers and the attendees.

Luckily, with the right WordPress event ticketing system like Tickera, you can easily remedy this problem. First thing first, this WP plugin establishes a direct connection between you and your target audience by assuming direct control over distribution and sales of the tickets. The best thing here is that once you pay for the software you are free to use it as you see fit and there are no additional fees required. This also means, that you will no longer need to cut a percentage of your ticket sales to a third party, which makes a world of difference.

  • WooCommerce

When it comes to e-commerce there is no plugin that can measure up to WooCommerce. The amount of goods purchased and downloads made across this platform is truly staggering and this is not so without reason. This particular digital tool is completely optimized for WP and there are regular updates performed to make it stay so.

Now, it is true that WooCommerce is not originally intended for sales of event tickets, but there is no reason why it shouldn’t be used for this purpose. After all, this platform accepts a wide array of payment gateways, which makes it quite practical for your potential attendees/customers to use. However, the saving grace of using this particular tool for event registration is that while most event registration providers impose a certain commission, WooCommerce can allow you to easily bypass it. According to several calculations, this can save you up to 16% on your price ticket profit. Not a figure to be trifled with.

As you can see, using any of these three awesome tools for event registration in WordPress elevates your business to a whole new level. All you need to do now is try and figure out which one of them fits your purposes the best. Different situations, require different measures and you alone can be the judge of that when your business is in question. Just keep in mind that the choice of the right tool for the job can determine a future course of your work, so choose wisely.

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