Twitter Gifts us a look back to our first tweets.


Different social media sites have different uses, strengths, and advantages. Twitter could be called a ‘real time social networking’ site, a place for sharing information as it happens, and for connecting with others in real time, often resulting in lasting friendships and contacts.

Learning how to use this fun, free, and useful tool can be a bit intimidating for the beginner, but don’t be put off – with a little effort and a lot of intuitive “feeling your way through”, you’ll soon be able to use Twitter well–and you might even become ‘digitally’ famous! It was since a long time we all have tweeted. Most of them were just an experiment to see how the social media works! But, twitter in its 8th birthday has made those silly experimented tweets come alive. Earlier it was Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook that took us to the emotional journey of our past time spent on the social media platform and now its twitter that too took us to a fun ride back to our past!

All Twitter users can now logon to and enter their twitter username.  This will help twitter to instantly pull up either the amazingly witty or deadly dull first tweet that was posted by individual users. Adding to this, Twitter hasn’t limited this tweet search to one’s own tweet alone, but instead one can even find out the first interesting tweets by other users as well.

Twitter, like many social media applications, can become addicting and time-sucking. Make a decision early on about how much time you will devote to it and about how big your “tribe” of followers will be. Avoid worrying about getting heaps of followers; that’s competitive rather than relating and it will end up wearing you out. Instead, focus on quality connections and information-sharing and don’t get too upset when someone unfollows you; it happens and you can’t change it. If you feel Twitter is overwhelming at any time, simply take a break from it and come back later, refreshed.

This is the best gift provided by twitter for us on its 8th birthday. Twitter takes us for a fun ride back to our past by allowing us to look back to our first tweets.

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