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Turbocharge Your Youtube Video- Step By Step Youtube SEO Guide To Ranking Your Video


Business without marketing is of no use. These days we market our products in different ways and one of the most popular among them is YouTube video. You definitely put hour into making and editing your video to reach the perfection but everything is a waste if there is no one to watch your videos. This might sound very rude, but this is the bitter truth. So what do you need?

You need to have knowledge about the YouTube SEO. With the smart SEO strategy, you will be able to get many users thereby helping in proper promotion and branding.

The YouTube SEO that I am going to talk about in this content is applicable for both live streaming and video contents. Well, there are myriad of benefits of using YouTube but one of the prime advantages is your videos get automatically saved in VOD format as soon as the streaming finishes. Hence it helps to get more likes, subscribers, views and lasts for ling even after the live event.

YouTube SEO:

Even when the YouTube videos can be ranked and indexed in the Google search results, it has its own ranking system. Here we will be giving some tips on how to help viewers find your live videos in YouTube.

#1 Ranking Factor: Keywords-

As we have always known about how the highly targeted keywords help boosting the YouTube SEO in the YouTube search results. In order to help YouTube get the search results, keywords are the first and foremost requirement. Choose a keyword based on your video theme and a compelling description for the video.

Smart Tips for YouTube Video Optimization Using Keywords:

  • Start the Title Using Keywords: Suppose you have chosen a keyword “how to cook chicken”, then you should write the title as “How to cook chicken in an Indian way” or “How to cook chicken in 25 minutes”.
  • Make more use of the keywords in your video description: Well, this is another trick for getting your video ranked higher in the YouTube. But you need to stay aware of not making it stuffed with keywords as it will result in penalizing and lower rank.
  • Make use of the keyword synonyms: This is a great way to stay away from keyword stuffing but then again helping to determine what the video is all about. We,, there us again a limitations and I would recommend to opt using the synonyms for 5-8 times.
  • Never use same description for all your videos: This is a common mistake made by many YouTubers in the first place. But I am very sure that they have rectified it by now as it results in penalizing your content.
  • Use Closed Caption: YouTube reads the text files in closed captions and is a great opportunity to include the chosen keyword. YouTube love the videos that have closed captions and help by ranking these videos higher than others.

Also Read: 3 unique ways to improve your YouTube video visibility

#2 Ranking Factor: Engagement-

Next to using keywords is the user engagement. The more user engagement in your video, the more ranking in the YouTube channel. Users who are mostly engaged will comment, like, subscribe and do various other interactive approaches. These interactions are great as it tells YouTube that your video has something that is worth watching and that can bring more and more viewers.

Some of the important metrics that you need to keep an eye on are:

  • Number of comments
  • Number of viewers
  • Number of likes
  • Number of shares
  • Time spend by users on your video

These are some metrics that you need to maintain in order to satisfy the YouTube algorithm and acquire higher ranks in the result.

Also Read:  How to make money on YouTube?

#3 Ranking Factor: Other Important Tips-

Well, there are various other factors that you need to do when it comes to ranking your YouTube video. These are some of them:

Crucial Tips for YouTube Video Optimization:

  • Complete Your Channel Page: YouTube loves the pages that are fully completed. The reason behind this is that it looks legitimate and more professional source. Don’t forget to complete the channel by using header images and a complete description that includes keyword along with other social media links.
  • Great Thumbnails: Always remember that thumbnails are the first thing that viewers observe and therefore it is always recommended to use a great picture. Proper thumbnails with great imagery attract more viewers and clicks.
  • Tags: You will find a place to put a tag in your video which is again a great way of using the keywords. But definitely in comparison to title text and descriptions, tags are not that crucial. When you categorize your video, it will help viewers to find that same type of videos and make their stay longer.
  • Playlists: YouTube love brands and they encourage keeping their channels going by uploading contents. In order to go further, you can definitely make an effort by organizing the video contents into a specific topic or playlist. This gives viewers a signal that you will be uploading more contents and thereby attracting them to watch your next video.

So these are the secret about acquiring the views in YouTube. Knowledge about YouTube SEO is definitely the prime necessity. Make sure you follow these simple yet highly effective rules while posting a YouTube video and you will be able to observe great results.

I hope this was useful to you. If it was, not forget to hit the like, comment and share.

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