How To Beat The Facebook Reach System and boost your reach


In the world of social media with myriad of options for socialization, marketing products have become much easier. When it is about reaching more and more traffic, Facebook is one of the most used one. This is one of the most informative and most used social media platforms. Forgetting about the old days where users had to struggle to work on Facebook, with the new updates in Facebook has become much easier. Facebook reach is never much easier if you have idea about the simple tricks.

When algorithm, reaching Facebook was updated with the new people has become easier. Once you have thought about a post and it will show directly on all of your follower’s or friend’s newsfeed without any other step. In case you are new to the Facebook’s algorithm, welcome to this new mechanism as it does wonders since the early.

Facebook has its own set of rules, which you might not know but the best part is, Facebook prioritize the posts that are shared by family and friends over any other posts made by brands, other pages and publishers. But as a result it is getting harder for brands to bring their products in front of their potential customers. It takes into account each and every piece of the information that is there on individual Facebook. To be very simple, it sorts out the posts on the newsfeed depending on what they believe you prefer to see.

If you are into marketing or advertising, consider this as the best alternative plan for your marketing needs.

This depends on the number of groups that you are into, number of friends that are there in your profile and the many pages you have liked till now, this formula works great for everyone and ranks well. You don’t even realize that since Facebook thinks you have a specific liking, you actually tend to miss many updates from your friends.

Do you know that most of the users spend an app of 50 minutes specifically on Facebook and on some other apps like Instagram and messenger in a day? Yes, this is true and this is in just one day. Don’t think this is stagnant as the number never decreases, but it increases. These stories are placed strategically by witnessing on what you have recently commented, reacted and liked.

So How To Work With This Updated Facebook Algorithm?

Post Videos and Photos:

Posts that are based on photos engage almost 39% more traffic than any other forms of posts made on Facebook. The prime agenda of posting on Facebook is to get more interaction with the users by sharing comments, likes and shares, Rather than just putting texts, posting photos and videos become much more advantageous and a great way for better engagement.

Also Read: 5 quick tips For optimizing social media channels to get more engagement

Posting Everyday:

In order to engage people, you need to post every single day. Posting everyday is to stay on top of the list. Moreover, when you use hashtags and work on the latest trends, you are on your way to stay ahead of your competitors. Making social media schedule in advance by following the basic set of guidelines is a simple way to get started. 39% of the marketers, who are on Facebook, follow these simple rules to hop on the top.

Compelling Contents:

If you want to understand how to create compelling contents, the best example is look at Buzzfeed. Look at their way of writing contents and this is the reason why they have such a huge number of followers throughout the world. Even when it tend to change, but the top 5 videos that are mostly viewed are about food. When the algorithms are in place focusing on family feed and more friends, your prime goal should be to get those followers share the posts for more engagement.

Don’t forget to check what the competitors are posting and find greater opportunities to capitalize those. Try to establish your brand by focusing on releasing appealing and interesting contents which compels your followers to share, comment and tweet.


Engagement is The Prime Need:

Even when you are very busy in other works, take out some time and respond to the comments. Also, don’t forget to comment on the posts from other profiles as well, this will help to bring your business in the eyes of potential customers. It has been observed that commenting increase the conversion to 9%. Therefore don’t forget to reply back and reach for businesses.

Timing Needs To Be Checked:

If you don’t know, then you should know by now that social media platforms have their peak times. Well, this differs a lot from one to another, which means you need to keep an eye on which posts is engaging more people and especially at which time. Do you know that in a study it has been observed that Facebook’s has more engagement rate on Thursdays and Fridays? If not, then start keeping a track and manage the timing for more engagement.


Well, so these are some of the simple tricks to survive with the latest Facebook algorithm. The best yet simplest way to know about this algorithm is to experiment. The more you experiment, the more you get to know about how it is resulting. Well, when it’s Facebook, there is no rulebook except keeping it genuine and active. Never forget, marketing can never be done without great contents, so publish great contents for better Facebook reach.

Hopefully I was able to help you a little bit about how to work with the latest Facebook algorithm. Don’t forget to comment, like and share if you find it help.

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