Top 5 Highly Effective SEO Strategies of 2017


Do you think, only your apps are getting updated?

Well! The answer is NO! With digitization, way of conducting business and promotional techniques are getting updated. No doubt taking your business online is a necessity, but is it enough?

Probably not! You know why? Because going online will not get your target audience know about you. It will not grab their attention. So you require putting professional efforts to reach that ground where your business can grow every day.

Your online business is incomplete without implementing SEO strategies and techniques tactfully. Now, this might be another headache for you, right?

Well! Don’t scratch your scalp as here we are going to discuss about the most effective SEO strategies that result in website optimization. To be more precise, to gain traffic on your website.

These strategies are not written just for the sake of writing, but are the proven techniques that have resulted in boosting the organic SEO in 30 days by 35%.

1. Super Fast Loading Website:

Do you like to wait? How disgusting isn’t it, to wait in the queue for your turn? Yes! When it comes to website, the principle does not change.

Web spiders do not have ample time to wait for your page to load as they have other options waiting for them. This is where the bounce rate increases.

A slow website is so boring in such a fast paced life. So if you don’t have speed, you don’t have the lead. So, just decrease the loading time and let your customers stay.

How to do it?

You need to optimize the responsive media sizes and also the formats that are there in your website. Also, remove all the unnecessary and pointless data which are the factors of slower website.

Do remember it is a race and website loading speed is one of the prime factors that decide ranking in Google.

READ ALSO: How to Speeding up Your Website Load time.

2. Mobile Friendly Website:

Are you still thinking whether you need a mobile friendly website or not?

It’s high time to stop thinking and just go for it. The reality is. Major part of online customers prefer surfing internet using their smart phones.

With the recent change in Google algorithm (21st April 2015), they have programmed in a way that the websites which are mobile friendly or responsive, will be prioritized along with ranked higher. Furthermore, they have also provided the guidelines about the way to make a responsive website.

So don’t wait, just start working on making a mobile friendly website.

READ ALSO: How you will select the best option for your WordPress Hosting?

3. Long Tail Keywords:

When it is about making the keyword more specific, it is always recommended to choose long tail keywords. Don’t forget to sue keyword that specifies your service and product.

When observed, you will find that these long tail keywords acquire much lesser traffic, but  the truth is they give higher conversion. More specific keyword is equivalent to lesser competition.

If you have just started the marketing, you definitely need to emphasize on long tails.

You might be thinking, why is it so?

The answer is since it is a new website, the authority does not even compete with the other old and branded website. Hence, it is recommended to focus on long tails.

4. Post High Quality Content:

When you start posting right type of content, undeniably you get focused by the reader, but it is not like that music track composition. Even, one post will not make you start overnight.

When it is comes to content, there are two factors that bestow with great result. Quality content combined with quantity.

When you check professional companies, you will find that they are not limited to optimizing, but also they create quality contents.

The more passion you have for the topic, the more depth the readers will find which in turn can help you along with them. Write good, keep light and interact.

Don’t forget Google loves unique contents. So keep impressing the Godfather.


5. Republish your Old Blog Posts:

No matter whatever it is, watching and reading the same story is so boring and it is the same with SEO. Contents that are fresh attracts the readers.

Not only your readers are waiting for updated content, but also Google prioritize those who has updated contents on their website. Therefore, all you need is to update all the existing contents in order to acquire desired results.

When all your blog posts are updated, it actually gives a kick start which is 10x faster than the normal way. So recreate and republish to get rewarded.

Now when you have also got the knowledge, what are you waiting for? Don’t you want your business to expand? Just follow these 5 steps and check how it results. This is actually the fastest way for the fast paced life of the Internet.

Don’t forget to write if you have other great SEO strategies.

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