Tips For Effective Social Media Marketing With Videos Ads.

Tips For Effective Social Media Marketing With Videos Ads

Videos are becoming increasingly important in social media marketing. On Facebook and Instagram is incidentally scrolled by the feed and the contents flown over more or less. This raises the question of how one still manages to reach the attention of the target group at all. The answer is clear: moving images.

That’s why we want to give you some tips on how you can produce great videos and use them effectively.

Always shorter attention span

Our attention span is shorter than ever at just 8 seconds. For this reason, it is necessary to produce short and above all easily consumable content. That’s where the videos come in. Moving images automatically attract attention and thus generate attention.

You may know this about yourself: You sit in the train and scroll through the Instagram feed, one picture follows the other and you hardly notice the content of the pictures. Then mix a video in the feed, you stop automatically and looks at the content more accurately.

And this not only applies to the content of private individuals, but also contributions from companies are usually better perceived by the video format.

Tips for producing videos

Producing videos for social media does not necessarily require a studio or an external service provider to record the videos. The videos can be easily designed by yourself. Here are a few tips on how to record the video:

  • Take the video in portrait (2: 3). But make sure that it could also be used in landscape format if necessary. So you have with a recording the content for a story ad and an advertisement for the feed.

  • Put the main message at the beginning. Users usually decide in the first 3 seconds whether the video is relevant to them or not.

  • The total length should not exceed 15 seconds. Especially with advertisements, it is particularly important that attention is fetched quickly and the statements are made shortly & tight. At 15 seconds, the ad also has the perfect length for a story ad. Make sure that the video is understood without sound. Many users have their Smartphone or tablet muted and therefore need to understand the video silently. Works best with subtitles, if spoken in the video.

  • At the end of the video, include a call-to-action, a clear guide to action. So you take the user by the hand and tell him clearly what he has to do next.

If you have no way to record new videos, you can easily animate static images with apps. For example, fly in a text or create an animated slideshow. So you can create great content with your existing material.

Effective use of video ads

After the videos have been created, it goes on setting up the appropriate advertisement. Videos generate attention first and foremost. That’s why they are particularly well-suited to campaigns with the goal of “reach” or “brand awareness”. These campaigns initially generate demand among users and get your business into the minds of users.

Following this, the relevant viewers can be skimmed off with additional advertisements. For this you create custom conversions and clusters them according to how long the video was watched.

Better video interaction rates

Not only for advertisements videos are more important, also can organic postings be lightened by videos. Quintly, a social media analytics provider has looked at the contributions of 94,000 companies worldwide from last year.

The approximately 105 million Facebook postings were examined in particular for the interaction rates. The exciting: 55% of the postings reviewed were link postings, but these had the lowest interaction rate.

In contrast, the video posts had 72% more interaction! However, the contributions with video formats are still clearly behind, only 14% of the analyzed contributions were moving images.

Conclusion: Video Ads necessarily try!

Just test it and think about what content can be displayed using videos or how you can relax static product images with animations. Of course you can also share longer Q & A’s or explanatory videos or similar on social media. Just make sure that the videos can be consumed without sound.

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