How To Optimizing Landing Pages Of Google Adwords Ads For Conversions

Optimizing Landing Pages Of Google Adwords Ads

If you are dealing in Google Adwords, then there are high chances that you are looking for optimizing landing pages. Landing Page Optimization or LPO is the process by which you can increase conversions on the website. No one creates a webpage just for show. But it is much more than that. It is the experience that counts. This is a major factor and can make your ads perform well. Keep one thing in mind, if you get the keywords right and the ad copy right, and the landing pages are bad, conversions will just not happen.

Today, you will learn about the steps through which you can get ads conversion.

Steps To Optimizing Landing Pages

  • Identify the issues. This is the first thing that you should do. Google Adwords focuses on the ‘Big Three’ factors. It affects ad quality to a huge extent. It also gives a great landing page experience. You can focus on the page and find out the various offenders. Now, you can use Google Analytics to improve the quality score of the page. You can now get a one-in-all metric, to improve the landing pages’

The three metrics are: Bounce rate, keywords, and conversions. You need to follow the steps with ease.

Also Read: 9 Points Guide To Improve Your Adword PPC Campaign Performance

The Steps are:

  • Log in to your Google Analytics. Set the date range. It should be longer than 2-3 weeks.
  • Click on Adwords on the left side bar. Click on Final URLs.
  • Now, click the secondary dimension and choose the keyword.
  • Scroll and choose the goals. Pick all Goals.
  • Sort the bounce rate column.
  • Change sort type with Weighted to focus on the higher traffic rates, with higher bounce rates.
  • Now, export these pages in Google or Excel sheets to manage them.
  • Finally, you should check the worksheets and check the bounce rates.
  • Find any issues related to this. After you identify the problem pages, you need to find out the specific issues. You should look into the Google’s Adwords landing page experience guidelines. There are things that you can improve on. They are:


– Relevant and useful content

– Transparency

– Ease of navigation

– Page load times

– Mobile friendly pages

  • You have to take into account User Testing. This is also important in landing pages conversions. Consider /B testing, if you are in doubt. You can create a duplicate landing page with the help of this function. You can check out the mistakes in no time, by altering certain elements. You can change the header color, or color of CTA button. Now, check your gut reaction to find out where you went wrong. A/B testing will help you to find out the mistakes.
  • There are Free Testing tools, that you can utilize today. You can use Optimizely.
  • There are paid testing tools as well. Google Optimize is also doing great business today.
  • You can also do some other tests. Run conversion experiments on AdWords. It is pretty easy.
  • Pick out the problem of the landing page first.
  • Use free CRO tools to set up an alternate landing page. It should have a different look and feel, apart from the content.
  • Now, you have to go to the Google Adwords ads. Now, duplicate one and test.

Create two ads that look exactly the same. They should also have different URLs. You can run these pages fro 2 weeks to a month. Very soon, you can find out the ultimate results.

Also Read: How To Use Adwords Ad Extension To Maximize Your Conversion

  • Now, in the final step, you need to check, what you need to do better. If you have never done it before, there is no issue. Do it now.

Start optimizing your landing pages with these best options. See the improvements in no time at all.  If you have created a website and find no customers, this is one of the ultimate things that you can do today.

The quality of the experience that your customer has, is of utmost importance today. Now, it is easier for your customers to move to the shopping basket. Now, they are more likely to complete the purchase. It also affects the ranking on Google. If your customers are always leaving the landing page, then there is seriously something wrong.

You have to tailor your page in a better manner to decrease the bounce rate, improve ad position, and also improve quality score. The main things that you should keep in mind are, relevance, trustworthiness and ease of operations and use. All these are very important today. You can do the very best for your website optimization now.

Moreover, you can use any of the pages as landing pages. You should also optimize your internal pages for better user experience. This is how to optimizing landing pages.

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