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How to Add Your First WordPress Blog Post Using Gutenberg Editor?

WordPress 5 Gutenberg Editor

Everybody knows, that WordPress is the best blog. Most bloggers who start out new, rely on the platform. The main reason, why most people like you post here, is the simplicity. You can publish your blog post in a few clicks. Moreover, there is a bit of good news for you. WordPress replaced their older editor, with a new one called Block editor or Gutenberg Editor. It is available in the WordPress 5.0 update. With the new editor, you can add media-enriched posts and pages on WordPress.

The Gutenberg Editor On WordPress

wordpress gutenberg editor

The Gutenberg editor uses ‘Blocks’ to create great posts and pages. You can do so with the help of blocks, widgets, and many more tools. You probably know about ‘Blocks’, if you have worked with such platforms. Blocks are nothing but the content elements, that you add to the wordpress content editor, to create visually appealing content.

Each item that you add to the post is a Block. You can include a paragraph, an image, a video, or table to your post. The page even, is a block. A user can drop and drag blocks very easily, onto a post or page. To use this tool, you need to take your mouse to the top of the six dots located between the up and down arrows.

Today, you can create much complex layouts, without any development or coding tool with this new wordpress editor. The editor does not damage the functionality of the site and that is the best part. Initially, the old users found it difficult to work with it. If you are amongst those, you can easily install a plugin and run the ‘Classic Editor’.

Easy To Use WordPress Gutenberg Editor

You can easily use the Gutenberg Editor today. With it, you can now add different varieties of content to your site in the form of paragraphs, lists, headings, tables, images and more. You can also add plugins to add more blocks, like a contact form.

Moreover, it has plenty of benefits on and above the old editor. Now, posting and editing is easy on a wordpress blog post.

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Adding A New Post In WordPress

Today, you will learn how to post blogs and edit them on WordPress. Learn how to master the ‘Block’ editor today. Now, create stunning layouts in WordPress.

Gutenberg Editor On WordPress

  • Just login to your WordPress portal. Go to the dashboard. Click on Add New from Posts from the left-hand table.
  • A screen appears. You will see the Gutenberg Editor This is where you will be adding all the content related to your wordpress blog post.
  • Now, add the title and content of your blog post. You can either write directly, or paste the content in the form of blocks.
  • In the new wordpress editor, you can manage the contents in the form of ‘Blocks.’ To add blocks, you need to click on the plus sign on the left, or press enter and you will see the sign, to add blocks. Now, adding useful blocks, like paragraphs, shortcodes, widgets, and quotes is easy now.
  • You can also set a featured image. On the right side of the admin panel, you will find the options – Document and Block. On the Document section, you can see the featured image. You can add a featured image with this. It is the primary image that your audience can see. Your por appears more meaningful.
  • Heading Block is another block. You need to click on the plus sign and choose ‘heading block.’ This way you can add headings to your content. You can even change the heading sizes.
  • Add images, videos, and other media through blocks. You just need to add the image block, under the Common Blocks tab.
  • Just upload the image, or file or you can select from the media library. You can even use the URL of an image for the purpose. Moreover, you can even drag and drop images and other media.
  • You can also edit settings, of an image with the help of this editor. Add gallery blocks, to add blocks to your post. It works ain the same way as Image block.
  • Moreover, you can also add other media. Select YouTube under Embeds tab, to create a block for YouTube Video.

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There are plenty of options under the tab today. There are different links and tabs, like permalinks, categories, discussion, and excerpts under Documents block. You can even show or hide these options. It is that easy. Moreover, you can also add categories and tags, to make the search for your audience easier.

There are options to change the permalink as well. Add the article summary, so your prospective audience can open your web link easily. Moreover, there are show, preview, and publish options at the top right corner. You can work it up easily. So, maximize your profits with the wordpress gutenberg editor, today.

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