8 Actionable Marketing Tactics To Grow Your Shopify Ecommerce Sales

Shopify Ecommerce Sales Marketing

If you are running an eCommerce store, it is important for you to do some research to chalk out a marketing strategy. It can give you the visibility and lead generation, you so deserve. After all, you have invested on your website with monetary expectations in mind. You need to know about Shopify ecommerce marketing to get that ROI. Shopify marketing tools do have some benefits for e-store owners.

Now, you can reach your current as well as prospective customers easily. If you are a Shopify merchant, you should read on. It is the best online selling platform today. Use one platform to sell numerous products to anyone and anywhere. Take leverage of the fact, that you can generate sales through your site, social media and online marketplaces as well. Manage everything from a single dashboard today. Get a Shopify expert’s assistance if required.

Eight Actionable Tactics To Grow Ecommerce Sales

1. Recover Abandoned Carts with Shopify Marketing Tools

This is one of the first things, that most eCommerce store owners do. As per research, shopping cart abandonment rates have almost reached 70%. The platform Shopify enables retailers and merchants to check out the number of shoppers who moved out, before a purchase. The Shopify dashboard, provides all the necessary details. Thus, these retailers and merchants can take it up from thereon. If you are one of them, send automated abandoned cart emails to such customers. Also offer a discount code alongside, to let them complete the purchase. However, a single may not suffice. You can send a sequence of such mails, which eventually forces the buyer to take that final buying decision. Most retailer are taking leverage of this ecommerce marketing tool, today.

However, for those customers who do not have an email id, retargeting ads remain the only other option. So, you can choose to run such ads on social media channels. The Shoelace Retargeting app does a whole lot of good to this.

2. Build a Facebook Store

You must have observed a decrease in organic reach on Facebook, however it still is one of the most viable platforms for Shopify marketing. Now, you can create, manage as well as track your campaign on Facebook. That too, without leaving Shopify. Facebook allows users to create to a dedicated store. Thus, retailers are taking leverage of this fact to generate sales from Facebook. Moreover, you can integrate Facebook with your Shopify account. Though such link up, requires some technical assistance, you can enhance your marketing efforts by using it.You can also utilize or build upon Customized ads for your audience. Shopify ecommerce marketing is trending today.

3. Feature User-Generated Content In Your Campaigns

This is another tactic, that you can use today to grow your shopify sales. If you are using user-generated content for SEO, it is going to act as one powerful tool for your business. It can prove to be extremely useful, if you are looking towards increasing engagement and driving sales. Proper customer engagement can bring about huge returns for any retailer.

Also Read: 5 powerful ways to promote your online store to increase your sales.

4. Collaboration with Influencers

Influencer marketing has reached the zenith today. It also has the power to increase eCommerce sales by leaps and bounds. So, if you are a retailer, partner with a known influencer and feature them in your adverts. They can Vlog and blog for your brand. Create sponsored posts as well. Micro-influencers can do it for you, so you need not spend big money on celebs. Use Shopify ecommerce to boost your sales.

5. Send Wishlist Reminder Emails

They are a bit similar to abandoned cart emails. You can use this as a marketing tactic, to remind customers of the purchase. Many times, people forget to buy after adding products to their cart. Wishlist Plus is one such Shopify marketing app that retailers can integrate into their online store. You can send out messages like ‘low-in-stock’ and ‘reduced prices’ to bring back such customers. Now, grow ecommerce sales with these tactics. Users of Wishlist Plus, have reported 20-30 % in sales.

6. Employing Loyalty-Focussed Shopify Marketing Apps

A loyalty program is important, if you want to increase sales from your online store. Most customers buy and repeat-buy from retailers who offer loyalty programs. This is an essential customer-retention tool today. Loyalty Lion’s loyalty and reward program is one such tool, that you ought to incorporate today. Now, reward your visitors with site visits, sign ups, referrals, and purchases. Shoppers can utilize the points to get discounts, free shipping, and other rewards, on purchase.

Also Read: Google Shopping Actions – How Google Wants To Be Involved In e-commerce

7. Promote More Contests and Giveaways

You can grab the public attention with announcements of giveaways and contests. There is a slew of Shopify marketing contests and giveaway apps, that can do the trick for you. Most social media ads today provoke users to like their page and products. Most retailers and service providers are luring customers, into submitting their credentials and also tagging others. This has a direct advantage for the retailer, as a database for email marketing or telephonic marketing is available easily, at no cost. Companies are garnering lots of responses from fans, which in turn is driving sales.

8. Create An Effective Content Marketing Strategy On Shopify Ecommerce

This is supposedly the backbone of all marketing efforts. Thus, eCommerce retailers should generate content on a regular basis, and it should be at par with the likes and dislikes of their existing database of customers. On site content is extremely rewarding in such cases. Eventually content is the most important for all social branding strategies and email marketing checklist.

These are a few of the tactics; that you can employ to increase shopify ecommerce sales. Now you can cleverly boost your eCommerce marketing strategies with these tactics. If you are an owner of a website selling products and services, try to incorporate and grow ecommerce sales through these strategies. It is not necessary, that you have to incorporate all them together. However, a nice mix is good to start with. Take advantage of the shopify marketing tactics to give your business that much needed boost.

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