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How To Use Google Tag Manager A Beginner Guide For Webmasters?

google tag manager guide for webmaster

Now, you can manage your website’s performance in a number of ways. There are analytic tools in most web platforms today. That is surely going to make matters easy for you. So, you must use a tag manager to make things possible today. Now, keep your site on track with the help of this tool. The google tag manager simply helps.

More On The Google Tag Manager

It is not just a time-saving tool today. It is much more than that. You can now improve your site’s performance with the help of this tag. Moreover, you are on your way to improve your site’s performance and user experience, with the help of this tool. You can centrally control all the aspects of your website without the requirement of a web developer. However, in order to put your site on track to perform the way it was intended to, you need to know the basics first.

The Tag – Defined

It is a small section of a code, which executes on loading a webpage. The information goes straightaway to a third-party. If you already utilize Google Analytics, or serve ads through Google Ads, then chances are that you likely already have tags.

These tags serve the purpose of sending information to a third-party.

Google Tag manager serves its purpose today. You can manage all the tags from a main dashboard today. Moreover, you can now utilize a single Tag Manager for each one of your brands. Additionally, you also have the option to serve additional websites or apps with a single dashboard. You can now save a lot of time, in managing site code, and eliminating coding errors.

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Setting Up Tag Manager

You may be familiar with the entire set up process, if you have already handled Google Ads or Analytics. It is easy, as you just need to enter a section of the code between your site’s Head tags and another one immediately after the body tag.

There are quite a few questions now, that need to be answered. They are:

  • How many accounts does one need?

You need to have one account for every brand that you have. However, there is more in store for brands dealing with multiple properties. You need separate containers for each app. Brands that use multiple domains, may be able to share the containers. However, the properties have to operate on similar lines. That means, the data to be collected needs to be of similar nature.

  • Do the tags require migration?

If you are depending on general settings, a few existing tags must be there. However, if you are looking for customization, then you can make use of Google’s developer guide.

How To Use Google Tag Manager?

Creating An Account

Now, you can facilitate the process in a simple manner. Your account is on top in Tag Manager. Your intellectual properties will fall under this main account. Click your profile image, and select ‘Add an Account.’ The sign-in page opens up in front of you. You can choose to sign in with your existing google account or create a new one.

In the nest step, you need to create the container. Most often, people use the site URL. Then, you need to mention the type of container. Once, you enter this information you need to click on ‘create’.

You will be guided to a pop-up box containing the code, that you need to add to your site. You can either click on ‘OK’ or come out to configure the container. It solely depends on you. You need a developer’s assistance to add the code snippets. However, you can do this little bit on your own. Moreover, google tracking is extremely beneficial today. So, deploy it. Google can assist you in your quest for perfection, by tracking web activity and browse activity.

Also Read: 12 steps that makes you master in Google Analytics

Manage The Tags

Once your container is ready, you can have the code added to your site. Select the tags from the side menu and add them to your container.

Begin by configuring the triggers and settings. You need to continue with the process, till you have a tag configured to your requirements. Now, you will be ready to pull all the data to send to the chosen third-party application.

You need not fret over this. Go for less, as some browsers have limitations otherwise. In this google tag beginners guide, the first thing that you will learn is to connect the right tag to the right data. You have to deal with similar configurations, so you can combine them and use variables to change the fields that you need.

The universal tag manager can help you deploy universal analytics. So, pay attention to it. Well, to round it off. Speeds differ with the GTM. The use of the Google tag manager is a long-term investment tool. Insert or remove the scripts, as and when necessary. It is going to take your brand a along way.

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