How Facebook Decide Which Post Will Appears In Your News Feed?

Facebook news feed

We all want to reach more and more audience and one of the biggest platforms to reach the targeted audience is through Facebook. In a study, it has been studied that in a count of 100%, only a minimum of 6% of the fans can see the contents in their Facebook news feed, whereas the rest 94% cannot.

This might sound like the upcoming nightmare but some sources have come up with new news, i.e. in the near future organic reach is going to observe gigantic drop. While, others are saying that this is a matter of time.

The statistics that are being offered by the people reveals that there has already been a huge drop back in April, which is really a matter of concern for the marketers.

Reasons For Decline In The Organic Reach:

The simple and straight answer to this is due to the greater number of potential contents being flooded into the news feed regularly. The only reason is the availability of large number of contents in the internet.

Let us find the many factors:

  • It has been observed that average number of Facebook users have more than 338 friends, which was 130 is 2008.
  • 15% of the Facebook users have over 500 friends in their list
  • It has been seen that the number of contents shown in Facebook are within 1500 to 15,000. The minute a user log in, you will be able to see this in your Facebook news feed
  • From 1500 to 15,000 potential stories Facebook takes them through the mega algorithm. Post passing the stories, Facebook displays approx 300 stories in the news feed.

Take in Account Pay-to-Play

Nothing comes free and till 2013 all the marketers opting for promotion had a great free ride for almost long six years. But, no more. You require making a bit of effort to show up in your fans page and give them the opportunity to browse thereby helping you to rise.

Supposedly, you want to get your website on top of Google’s search results  with some of the top results, do you think that you will be able to do it without paying a single money? Absolutely No and you need a good amount to pay in order to reach the top.

What is the most common thing that businesses do? Hire a good SEO company who has been marketing other brands successfully. There might be chances that you sure that you are lucky enough to get the through others and reach the top with the best keywords. But then the only question comes is for how many days will you be able to stay in that position? If you are looking for great organic results, it is time consuming and requires money.

Just like it, Facebook visibility requires the same thing. You need to choose the right topic, right style and right way to interact with the audience. Here you will again pay to promote your business by posting great contents but after paying.

Also Read: How To Beat The Facebook Reach System and boost your reach

Can You Improve The Organic Reach In This Way?

Suppose your Facebook page has currently more than 134000 fans, you will find a reach of 50, 000 reach on a daily basis.

Let me give you a live example. Just after 2013, it started dropping and the number came down to 33, 000. Post the end of the next year 2014, there was an average count of 8, 500 reach. This was definitely a heart break for the website owner. Fortunately, after this the bounce back rate and other spams have reduced to a greater extent.

But since the owner was determined, he recently came up with another post which reached to a huge number of 129000 organically. It was such a peace to eyes when you find such a spike after such drops. The reasons that lead to such spike are:

1. Time of Publishing: This is one of the greatest factors that you need to keep in mind while publishing. It is recommended to share posts at 8.30Pm IST as the owner had seen such a leap by posting on that time.

2. Gap within The Posts: Generally you post once or twice. Well, that’s definitely a good habit but once in a while give a gap in order give space to your fans. The only reason is most of the people generally don’t prefer same kind of posts.

3. Length: You might feel only long contents will do justice, but it is not always true as sometimes posting short contents can bless your websites with visitors.

4. Photo Posting: Facebook prefer photo posts and give them better visibility in compared to the links. Make sure that you status do not contain of any links but photo that is linked to the website.

5. Hashtags: While different people have different opinion on the use of hashtags, giving 2-3 hashtags on a status do not make any harm.

6. Less to No CTA: Well CTA might increase the conversion rate, but not every time it seems to be a great choice. If each and every content that you post has CTA with it, it will actually make them feel like you are selling something. Rather keep it natural and let your topic attract your readers and compel them to share and like.

Also Read: How To Write Create Compelling Call-To-Action To Maximize Your Conversion Rate

Never Think of Saying Bye to Facebook over the organic Reach

In a study performed by some of the popular marketers, they have said that when they have shared one of their posted content on their Facebook page making use of the parameters mentioned above like photo liked and published at 5.30 PM IST, it has actually witnessed a leap of 53, 000 reach.

When it is about gaining attention of readers, you need to get to their Facebook news feed. The above mentioned are some of the most effective tips that ensures greater reach within a very few time. Make sure you follow these smart tips to attract more eyes.

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