5 Ways To Create Backlinks That Are Safe For SEO

create seo safe backlinks

Backlinks — we marketers know these terms since the day we have been introduced in this realm. All the bloggers and SEO experts want them like crazily but only few of them can create backlinks. There is no doubt that content has been a part of SEO that can proffer great results, but along with real contents, backlinking is another vital elemant that marketers need.

Before we jump into finding different ways to create backlinks, let us first discuss about the few things that you need to keep an eye on. I this makes me sound like a maniac then I am. You know why? Because it is good for my blog.

  • Relevancy is the key. In case you are linking your site with a website that is completely of different genre, it is better to leave it. If you are in the field of SEO, link with some SEO website, not a great beauty site.
  • If your site has 500 backlinks but only few of them are for a reputed website, then Google will definitely not prefer your website. But when your website has 10 links and all of them are from reputed sites, you will be able to witness a genuine leap.
  • Always keep in mind that most of the backlinks are bad, only a few of them are actually good for your website.
  • If you are searching for good backlinks, then you have to put a lot of effort and time on it. But trust me, it’s worth it.
  • Do not get links by making use of the single link building strategy. Abusing the correct method might can lead to something natural.

So this was all about the important things, without any further discussion, let us talk about the backlinks.


From each and every industry, even when some of the people call it boring, there are sites with resource pages. This is where webmasters mostly try to link their site that they think is relevant and useful to the readers.

On the other hand, asking just for the lock without acquiring anything in return is of no use. In order to improve the chances of acquiring links from a page, you need to meet these conditions.

  • Have a genuine site/resource that you will be able to give the webmasters
  • Give a good reason to the webmasters to link with your website. It is even better to start making a relationship prior to offering the site as resource.

Here are some examples for finding the resource pages

  • Keyword + “useful resources”
  • Keyword + “resources”
  • Keyword + “links””
  • Keyword + “helpful resources”

2. Backlinking Using Infographics:

We all know about Infographics and how great these are when it comes to making the contents more shareable. Besides its great potential of the infographics that has the ability to go viral on the social platforms , it also has the potential to attract backlinks.

If someone likes the content, they can simply embed the infographic on their website without the headache of duplicity.  All the renowned business throughout the world makes use of infographics as a great way to promote their website.

This might sound very easy but trust me not all infographics that you design will attract viewers. Only when your infographics are both excellent and informative, it is able to get genuine backlinks.

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3. Start Backlinking From Testimonials:

Testimonials play a vital role when it is about building the trust factor. It is something that builds credibility and acquires sales. Most of the business that sales services or products, they accept customer testimonials and link them to their social profiles or websites. These links are under white hat SEO and can help to proffer great results.

Consider finding the services or products that you have recently bought and start reaching the owners to send testimonials. Make sure it is great as it increase the chances of your homepage getting featured on their testimonials.

Not many of us are aware of this trick, but if applied to create backlinks can proffer great results to the clients.

4. Bloggers Backlinks:

If there is someone who can be genuinely your best friend then they are “Bloggers”. You will find bloggers who not only write for their own website, but also for some other third party publication sites. They are always looking for tools and resources that they can mention in their posts. If you know some bloggers and share great rapport, chances are hogh that they will link to your website.

Try to build relationship with some known bloggers when it comes to selling a service or product. If it is great and profiting for you, give them services for free and let them become a great option to build new backlinks. If they do it now, they will do it regularly and can be very profitable for you.

Also Read: 8 Basic Tips For A SEO Optimized Blog Post

5. Start Guest Blogging On Reputed Sites:

Guest blogging is nothing new and can be said as one of the oldest and most relevant ways to earn backlinks. Because of its age, it has been now given various allegation of not being safe and much more. This is completely a false thing and one of the biggest misconceptions that one is dwelling into. Google readily accepts guest posts and I hope this statement is everything to stop some false news.

In guest blogging, all you do is write articles for some third party sites and then you can lick your website on the author’s bio or maybe within the articles (sometimes).  If your article has that extra taste in it, readers will start visiting your website and will eventually increase the number of audience.

When you are ready for guest blogging, you need to know a few things:

  • Never make use of keyword rich anchor texts
  • Never do guest blogging for websites that have least authority

While some of the ways to create backlinks might not seems great, these are actually a great alternative when it comes to getting higher rank in Google. If you are able to follow, you are able to reach higher.

So, I hope I was able to provide some valuable information. If it was helpful for you, don’t forget to hit the like and share button. Also do subscribe to my blog for further such updates.

One Response

  1. Hi Amit. Thank you for this wonderful post. I am a homebased working mom and SEO had been shoved to my plate for some time. As I only know the basics from previous clients, I am digging deeper into understanding more about SEO. Your post is very easy to understand and easy to follow. Thanks once again.

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