9 Points Guide To Improve Your Adword PPC Campaign Performance

Adword PPC Campaign Performance

The PPC campaign is in high demand today. You must have seen advertisements on webpages that you visit? Moreover, you may have got irritated at times if you found it to be irrelevant. Well, the advertisement is not flashing on your screen for no reason. That is the ultimate goal of a brand that aims to hit the customer’s mind.

More about Google Adwords and PPC Campaign

PPC advertising is an online advertisement. The advertisers or the brands do not make a flat payment for such ads. However, it is based on the number of clicks the advertisement generates. Moreover, there are different types of PPC ads. However, the most common one is the paid search ad. These ads appear, when people search for things on the internet or search for something on any search engine. People are now performing mobile searches as well. More than half the time, you can see most millennials surfing sites on the mobile.

Thus, this is a very cost-effective way to give ads. Brands and businesses have found this to be a cost-effective way to advertise. The brand pays only when there are clicks or someone happens to visit the concerned site. You can now improve ppc campaign performance easily.

Is PPC Campaign Worth It?

If you want more leads, then you should definitely be using PPC ads. They are very useful in fetching the right traffic. The ad process is such that, you get better competitor analysis, and find out local competitors. Moreover, you can now track the average performance rate of your advertisements. Therefore, this is a great way to make your business earn profits. An adword PPC Campaign increases brand awareness and also gives a boost to sales.

Guide To Improve Your Adword PPC Campaign Performance

You must have seen the business scenario change in 2020, so your old strategy might not work. Thus, now is the time to incorporate certain changes to get business.

1. Define Your Goal: This is an important part of any campaign whatsoever. If you do not know, where to reach, you cannot reach that place. Destination is a must. You should create some SMART goals. Come on, everybody had heard of this. Your goal has to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time bound. If any factor is missing, you will never be able to reach it. Ask yourself, what you want from your paid searches. You have to determine your business needs. You should aim at getting more footfalls, or traffic, improving sales and get subscribers.

2. Use The Right Keyword: In any kind of google ppc campaign you need to incorporate the right keywords. Google provides a tool to generate the right keywords, based on your website and product. You have to check the performance of the keywords, before incorporating them.

In case, you are serving different geographical locations, use VPN. It can help you to adopt an IP address, for a specific area. Then, you will be able to surf like a local, to check out keyword performance. However, you should select the right one from the market.

3. You Have to Go for Optimization: Yes, this is important for your business. One of the top reasons, why PPC campaigns do not generate business, is that they stuff keywords. If you want to gain with a ppc campaign, you can do it with just 12 % of the keywords. Try to improve the keyword quality score. That is enough to do the trick. There are a few factors that need attention. Your keyword should be relevant to your ad copy, it should have a CTR or click-through rate, and it should have a great landing page experience.

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4. Creating A List Of Negative Keywords: It is also helpful. It will help you to save your campaign. Now, inappropriate searches will not cause any harm on your ad copy. Moreover, you will not receive any unwanted traffic.

5. Create An Engaging Ad Copy: is one of the key areas. If you are posting PPC ads, there are certain things that you ought to do. Your ad copy should state your unique selling point. Be as relevant as possible, and do not beat around the bush. Make attractive headlines, and give a Call-to-action tone in the end. Also, use power words like free, hurry, and create that urgency to improve ppc campaign performance.

6. Re-marketing: is something that you have to add to your ongoing ppc campaign. This will enable you to reach out to consumers who have already seen your products and services. You can utilize lead magnets and also take help from Influencers from your genre. Show targeted ads to re-capture the attention of prospects.

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7. Use Ad Extensions: as this is a big factor today. You can show extra information to your customers in this way. There are two different types of ad extensions – manual ad extension and automatic ad extension.

8. Optimization For Mobile: Today this has assumed epic proportions. Most people are online throughout the day, from their mobiles. Thus, your landing pages have to be mobile friendly. Use more short-tail keywords to reduce long search queries. Smartphone mobile users do not like to type long sentences.

9. Most importantly, you need to keep track of your campaigns: Yes, you need to monitor the campaign regularly. In Google Ads, Google Analytics is a very convenient tool to keep track of your campaigns. Moreover, you can also use automated solutions.

Google Adwords is Google’s PPC advert platform. PPC users use AdWords to bid on the keywords. Moreover, you have to remember that every successful adword ppc campaign begins with proper research.

Moreover, in today’s cut-throat market, you need to do a lot of research. Analyze your competitor ratings and performances. Today, you have to learn from your competitor. You should also steer clear of irrelevant domains that bid on your keywords. You have to use the right keyword to reach your audience. Adwords also has a report for that. So, now you can get the maximum benefit from these tools.

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