7 ways to increase the site traffic


Are you worried because your website doesn’t able to generate enough traffic? Many small and big companies have faced this issue and want to get enough traffic to boost their sales or conversion rates. In this post, I am going to write about the 7 ways to increase the site traffic.

Ways to increase the site traffic:

1. Unique and CTA content:

Always try to write article in this way, which attract the attention of your customer. Means you need to write a customer engaging content. The first things is choose a eye catching headlines, which attract the attention of customer to read the full post. Try to use CTA(call-to-action) in middle of content to get some valuable comment or queries from the customer end.

In every content mention the problem and their solution and offer a genuine value to keep engagement in your content. To get massive sharing you are able to use link bait techniques to make your content catchy.

2. Post on Regular basis:

It is very important factor to post daily with unique and 100% fresh content. Most of high qualified blogger said that posting 7/week high quality content instead of 6/week increased your site traffic by 20% more.

You can also like this post: How to Build a Content Strategy for small businesses

3. Keep eye on Keywords:

Your website SEO and Link building strategy depends on choosing the right keywords. Keywords plays an important role to increase your site traffic. Try to focusing on the long-tail keywords because it is more effective for the view of increasing site traffic. Before choosing any keywords, you have need to keep that points are in mind:

* Know your Target audience

* Research the most traffic targeted location

* Use only least competitive and highly monthly search volumes keywords

4. Focus on Visual Content:

Try to share information in the form of high quality image with statistic and data is more profitable then a simple one. Visual content create a better communication between the readers with their webmasters. Only used crystal clear images and removed hazy images because it will give a bad impression on your content.

Visual content get 85% more page visit and engagement of customer or reader than the ordinary text post. It will not only helps to increase site traffic but also boost your conversion rate.

5. Get Social:

Today, everybody knows about the social networking website. Every common person to business uses social media channels to branding their business. Then we need to take participate more and more to enhance or boost your site traffic. First need to create profile on each social media channel, whose engagement rate is very high like- Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Pinterest, Google+, YouTube, Instagram etc.

You think your work is ended here by only creating profile with these social media channels, then you are wrong. You need to post daily some interesting thing on these social media channels to get more shares and engagement.

You can also like this post: 5 Smart Social Media Strategies and tactics for Small Businesses

6. SEO:

Optimize your content and images according to search engine. Optimize also your URL structure which helps the readers to understand what the post is about? Use a proper ALT tag in images and avoid underscores in post URLs. Make your website responds to get more site traffic from the mobile devices also. Create a good standard SEO plan and use it. If you have done it well, definitely you will get a stream of high quality and relevant site traffic, which boost your conversion rate as well as boost your sales.

You can also like this post: Top 5 free SEO tools for tracking and analysis your website

7. Respond Timely are sincerely to blog comments:

First, read you reader comments and then think sincerely about that how you can help your visitor or get again reply from him. Then respond in the comments thoughtfully. It is the best way to get more comment and increase the readers engagements.

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