7 smart ways to earn money online in 2015


I don’t know about you but mostly people want to earn money from online. Earn money can help student to manage their pocket money and this makes them to fulfill their own small needs. But today online gives us many ways to earn money online, only we need a computer with high speed internet connection for this work.

So, if anybody want to earn some handsome money from online then it is possible in today’s modern era. So it is good news for the people who are looking for online source of earning.

Checkout the ways to earn money online, some are good fit for you but some are not. But from the listed ways you will find atleast a way which is suited for you.

Ways to earn money online:

1. Earn money using Swagbucks: It is totally a free website where you can earn money by shopping, sharing your opinion, cash, gift card and find many more amazing deals. You are able to earn cash from here also. Uptill now $94,831,794 redeemed by swagbucks members in rewards. Just sign-up with this website and get $5 as a joining bonus. Just click on this link to visit SWAGBUCKS.

2. Sell your books at Bookscouter: If you are a professional writer or you have writing skills which attract readers attention and mind then start to write a short book. You can write book from your profession also like computer programming, diet and nutrition etc. After writing the book you can upload it to Bookscouter for selling. If you book able to attract readers attention then get a good review which help to make huge amount by selling books here. Just click on this link to visit Bookscouter.

3. Completing online survey: Online survey is very traditional way to earn money online. Ancient time it is done by a person on paper and pen, now this surveys goes online and it will gives us opportunity to earn money online. But think twice before registration with any survey website because most of them are fake. To know about the survey website is fake or genuine? First need to search on Google about that website and read their reviews or opinion and join only good review survey website from them. Few genuine survey websites are listed below:

* Survey Spot

* EPoll

* Global Test Market

4. Earn by selling digital Photos: You are a professional photographer, then take a snap of beautiful pics and sell them online. If you picture is really nice then you can easily sell it online. If you are also a good painter and want to sell your photos online then you are easily sell your painting online. Some website are listed below which help you to sell your photos or paintings online:

* Shutterstock.com

* 123RF.com

* Artweb.com

5. Get paid to Tweet: Now the trends have totally changed. Advertiser can pay you to send out tweets about their products. They also paid for blog, take photos and videos. If your twitter followers is large in number then you can easily earn a handsome amount from here. You can Join here SponseredTweets and earn by tweets.

6. Blogging: It is the best way to earn money online. If your writing skill is excellent then you can easily earn money from blogging. You can choose any niche in which you are proficient and start writing. When you get a good amount of traffic to your blog then apply for Google adsense and put their ads on your website. On each click Google Adsense pay some amount which you will be find in Google Adsense account details by Login into it. And if Google Adsense doesn’t approved your application then more advertise like Bidvertiser, Infolinks etc are also be good alternatives.

You can also read this post:  4 best free blogging platform to create a blog for free

7. Become a tutor: Many parents are willing to pay people to tutor their child. You need to choose your expertise area in which you want to teach people. If you are an economist then your teach economics as a subject and get paid. There are two ways to earn becoming a tutor:

  • Directly go to their home: Just put a ad on craigslist or other classified website and get a call for teaching people.
  • Teach online: Some online website are here where you can register and choose your favourite subject which you want to teach. Just check out some online teaching website are listed below:

          * WIZIQ

          * Udemy

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