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  • 3 Ultimate Techniques To Improve The Conversion Rate Implementing Google Analytics

3 Ultimate Techniques To Improve The Conversion Rate Implementing Google Analytics


High conversion rate is such a satisfying term for entrepreneurs and so as for the marketers. Well, very user friendly as this is something that businesses are looking for. Everyone who has business dreams of those huge conversion rates, but the reality is much harder than you can even think of. Well, everything is hard, but there are again ways to cross those hurdles and make it possible. There are some of the some effective techniques that you can opt for in order to increase your conversion at a good extent even in just a day.

No! Please don’t take it as a magic as we all know no one can get results overnight. In this blog post we will just discuss about the ways to enhance the conversion rates making use of Google Analytics tips. If you use it wisely, Google Analytics can be the best partner to enhance the conversion rate and this is real.

Does Google Analytics Have The Answers To Your Conversion Rates?

Yes! Google analytics can help to increase the conversion rate when used properly. There are both direct and indirect benefits of using analytics and when you have knowledge about how and when to use, this can give the best surprise in your entire life.

In a study it has been found that the conversion rate for online store is 1.4 %, whereas according to some of the best performances, it is almost doubled by 3%. Now it is upto you how you want to and what you want. However, this free tool will help you to get the best from your online business.

Here you will be able to get an insight and find the tricks that will serve to master the data and metrics. In order to acquire good from the online business, these will help to take the right decision. You will get to know about the way to increase the conversion by keeping an eye on the bounce rate of the website, loading time and landing page reports. 

So lets find it out:

1. Check the Bounce rate:

If you have been spending time in the online market, then by now you are well aware of the term bounce rate and how it affects your users. Most of the marketers do not really spend time on this even when this is one of the main factors. Different users have different definition of bounce rate, but in web language bounce rate is something that represents the number of visitors on a website who is navigating away from that particular website after observing only one page.

Google Analytics Bounce Rate Report

This is one metric that is very crucial as it shows the quality of the website. To be more precise, the lower the bounce rate, the better your website is as per the visitors. Even when you have less users, having less bounce rate means the users are satisfied with the content of the website.

How to monitor the bounce rate?

You need to get the Google analytics integrated on your website. Open Google Analytics and click on Behaviour. Then you will find Site Content, which you need to open and then click on Landing Pages. Landing page is what matters the most as it is the first thing observed by the users. Here you will find a chart, which actually calculates the bounce rate.

Bounce rate

Ideal Bounce Rate: As per Yoast, the pages that are marked as red is actually categorised as having an acceptable bounce rate. When the bounce rate is 0-10%, it is still in control, but it is around 20-30 %, you definitely need to make sure that you have the right content. Especially if it is from the top 10 pages, then you need to verify it today.

Read Also: How Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin help to Optimized WordPress

When your bounce rate is higher, your conversion rate will be lesser. This shows that users are not interested in your website and hence you need to revise your site today. This is the reason why take care of the bounce rate in order to eliminate the chance of less conversion rate.

2. Check the loading time:

No one is patient. This is very true for the online world. Who wants to wait for anything when there are other options available? No one, not even you! In order to keep your visitors stuck to your website and convincing them to stay in your website, you need to take care of first things first. Don’t test their patience, else you are going to ruin your market.Check the loading time

In 1999, the acceptable waiting time for users were 8 seconds and now, no one waits for more then 3 seconds. Therefore the answers lie in optimizing it. Slow website will destroy your business. If this seems unreal, then read the following realtime facts:

  • 79% of the internet users do not want to go back to that particular website to make other purchases
  • 73% of the shoppers say that the website is way to slower to load
  • 51% of the users says that the website received an error, froze or crashed
  • 47% of the users expect websites to load within 2 seconds or even lesser than that
  • 44% of the users replied that they would never recommend, but shout out the bad online experience they had in the website
  • 40% of the users abandoned the websites that takes more than 3 second of loading time
  • 38% of users say that the website wasn’t available
  • Delay of 1 second can result in 7% reduction of the conversion rate
  • If a website makes $100, 000 each day, a delay of 1 second can result in a loss of $2.5 every year.

Read Also: How to make a WordPress website load with Lightning fast

So, you can find how big time role this loading time plays. Make sure you check the load time if it is the reason for less conversion. Check for Behavior then Site Speed and Page Timings. The graph is easily understandable and therefore make sure you optimize it now if the pages are in red.

Site Speed and Page Timings

3. Emphasize on Landing Page Reports:

Using landing page reports is very helpful as it reveals the visitors action on it. Landing page is the first page that make connection with the vistors. Knowing their experience will definitely be helpful for the businessmen.

Even when your homepage is great, if the users are landing on the domain by reading your blogs, you definitely need to take advantage of it. You need to take the benefit of it by implementing online strategies based on what actually is attracting them. Make sure that you include your details on that page in order to make them know about you.

Emphasize on Landing Page Reports

This is how landing pages are useful for your website. It gives a detailed information on the successful pages while giving you a chance to market your service or product by taking advantage of it.

Read Also: 7 Tips to create a high converting landing pages

Suppose you have your own blog. When you apply filter you can easily find the posts that attracted most traffic in the domain. You will get an insight about the most liked topics and start emphazing in it.

Bottom Line:

With a lot of tips nd tricks available onlune to increase your conversion rate, it might sound easy. But nothing seems better and authenticated than using Google Analytics. Make sure you follow the information properly as good practice will help to get your conversion rate much higher.

This was all about the techniques of increasing the conversion rate. Hope you find it helpful. Don’t forget to like, subscribe and comment.


7 Responses

    1. Thanks a lot. I am glad that you found it helpful. Will keep on sharing my knowledge. Thank You for support. 🙂

    1. I am overwhelmed that my article helped you learn something new. Thanks you for your support. Will keep posting new contents and keep supporting me. 🙂

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