Why video marketing is important for Business


According to current trends, video marketing is the best way to promote your business. You have listen that pictures are better than text because pictures tells much word than text. In case video we say that video could be much more conversion rate than a picture. According to data collected, we know that 70% of search result from top 100’s are from videos. Viewers are also give priority to video than picture or text. 

Today video marketing trends are totally changed due to latest technology used to make video more efficient and easily understand by Viewers. Video liked by more viewers because it contains text, images, infographics, audio and other media stuffs which make it fully beneficial from the view of your conversion rate.

What is Video?

It is an electronic channel for recording voice, playback, broadcast, copying and display of moving images, text or audio. But now we used digital medium or software to produce a video called digital video. The digital media is advanced form of analog video which used by us in ancient time. Digital media is much more advanced and comes with HD quality with crystal clear picture and audio.

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What is video marketing?

Video marketing is the form of digital marketing in which we create 2-5 min of introduction video about our business, services or products and then submit it to different popular video marketing website. In which some are listed below:

Why video marketing is important for Business:

1. Engage and make relation between customer or clients:

In your videos always put your business information and also put your website URL in the description section of the video. When viewers view your video, if they find the information is interesting then they may be asked their queries or about any problem related to your product or service and this type you are able to get in touch with your client always.

2. Deliver whole amount of information about your business: Video contain text, moving images and audio. That means every module is serve as a package in the form of video, which tells us start to end about the topic.

3. Offer your packages and give discount: You can also put your offers details at the end of video. If viewers find the offer details is reasonable then you have chance to get an order.

4. It drive high number of traffic: Today digital media is changing to higher extent and much of people are searching video to get every details of products or services. Means if your video is interactive then your video drive high number of traffic.

5. High Conversion rate: If your video is appealing to viewers correctly with the information which you will provide in video then your conversion rate is definitely increases. Due to high number of video viewers definitely get high conversion rate. Always placed a call to action link in your video which help to increase your conversion rate.

6. Reduce bounce rate: It will also help to reduce your bounce rate. Most website get many traffic per day but when we tell want to know how much them stay on your website then get hardly some data. Mostly doesn’t want to stay on your website more than 10-20 sec. So, for this situation video is the best way to stay your visitor for longer time in your content.

7. Power Sharing:

Today, most of the people search for interesting content on internet. People only love to share those content who is really valuable and interesting. According to 2013 statistic, more than 700 videos share in per minute. Now need to create a valuable content by companies to increase sharing of content.

If you like this information please share it. I think this will help the people to know about video marketing and how it helps to promote their business digitally. If you want to share your valuable tips then please leave a comment in the comment box below.

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