Top 7 online marketing tips that convert shoppers into buyers

online marketing tips

Online store owners have only one aim is that attract more traffic and convert them into sales. Many times owners don’t know how to achieve these goals? Sometimes it is difficult to determine which is the best way to start? In this post, I will showcase top online marketing tips to convert your shoppers into buyer. I will discuss about the all marketing campaign to increase traffic as well as sales for online store owners.

Let’s start and find out the ways to increase traffic and sales:

1. Run and Email Marketing Campaign: According to recent research, email has high ROI(Return on Investment) of around 4,300%. For email campaign, need to create an awesome email template with linking directly to your online store page. In email template give proper description for your product and some discount offer to get more attention of the email reader. If you have not think about this then please rethink on it and make some research, you will find email open rate is very high. Now, it’s time to developed an email marketing campaign, if you do not want to start then you can certainly lose some valuable buyers.

2. Add an Email pop-up: Add an email pop-up window in your website to collect the email of shoppers. In email pop-up try to add some description to get more emails. After that fetching all the emails from your database and send them email template with attractive offers to get more conversion.

3. Strong CTA (Call-To-Action): CTA are the very strong tactic to make difference in increasing conversion rate. This is not an easy task like guys think. Need to place CTA at proper place to increases the chance of conversion. If you pick a wrong place to place CTA, then it is worthless. So, first pick a right place to put CTA and then shoot emails.

4. Run a contest: For successful execution of any campaign is depends on promotion. Social media promotion is the best way of running any campaign. Try to run a contest on Facebook or in your website. A great contest not only increase your engagement but also it will reach to new customers. By running a contest, you can increase your email list upto 300% and then convert them into buyers.

5. Make referral Program: Referral program is the influential form of marketing. Now-a-days referral techniques are not only powerful but most effective way to get new customers. It is the most trusted way of marketing due to refer by your personal one. According to Nielson Survey, they found that 92% of people trust on the recommendation of their relatives and friends. 77% of consumer are more likely to buy any product after suggestion from their relatives or friend. We can say that, they learn the buying techniques and know about the service providers from them after that they make any decision.

6. Enable Live chat option: Many research find that online shoppers prefer live chat from the all available communication method. Live chat option increases your chances of conversion. The main reason behind it, they get answers to their question in real time. This option is very important in the e-commerce business, before they leave your store get all the answers. It’s significantly increases your chances of conversion by 100%.

7. Write catchy product description: Writing a catchy product description is an important USP (User Selling Point) for eCommerce businesses. Writing catchy description is very useful for search engine optimization, it increases the percentage of selling. Write unique and compelling description about the products. Many store owners don’t give it priority and copy pasting other manufacturer details into their description. But this is not the good way it will affect your SEO and decrease the chances of conversion.

What do you think of what I’ve covered so far? If you have more tips apart this, then share here. Please leave your valuable comment what you thinking on it? For more update subscribe our newsletter.

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