Top 7 List of social networks for business.

list of Social networks

There is a lot of Social Media website out there. They, all are different and would help different business depend on the industry in order to market their products. Depending on the business, some might work better for you than others. In general all businesses are using these top social networks as much as they can. Those days are gone, when people use to turn to yellow pages to find services, products and offers. They now simply log in to their social network accounts, where they can see advertisement or recommendation about different business. As a business owner you need to make sure that you have a positive presence in the top social media sites. The below are the Top 7 List of social networks for business (by user base). 


Over 900,000,000 users – Facebook is one of the largest social network and has successfully made a market for keeping in touch with people you already know. Updates done of Facebook are usually short and usually personal. For example “I am in relationship” or “My Kid” and many more. It is a private social space and generally people are not looking for marketing advert. If you are looking for option on Facebook, then you can certainly use Facebook Page for your business. As a business page you are able to communicate with your customers in this space. Facebook page offers analytic tool to help you track your efforts and how much traffic is getting converted to a customer. Spending time on Facebook for business is the least you can do, for the reason. When you get a “like” on Facebook, you are getting a “like” for Facebook first, THEN your brand. You do need to maintain a presence on this social media, but personally you can spend your time better.

Google Plus:–

Over 3 million users – Google plus is the second largest social network and is backed by Google. Google Plus although compared to Facebook, is nothing like it.But, this platform is great for connecting with like minded people based on interests and topics. As a business owner this is mostly likely your target market. You can have new customers, strangers or people you do not know already. Since, Google plus provides feature like Communities, Hashtags and “Hangouts”. These features help you to target people who have expressed interest in learning about your business and industry. People whom you target and attract in this space can become loyal brand followers. Any public update on Google plus gets indexed by search engine, helping you boost your SEO or rankings in Google for your website. No, other Social Media network offers these benefits and it is worth checking out.


Over 310,000,000 users – Twitter allows you to connect and follow with celebrities, brands and topics. Most of your friends might be here, but not too many. Since, celebrities, brand and others tweet or Retweet, with some effort you can appear on a persons tweet. There are many programs, which are automated and allow user to easily follow, Retweet and mention others. The biggest problem with Twitter is that it has significant fake accounts and bots. They do nothing but automatically tweet, Rss feeds and auto post tweets depending on configuration. Another thing that is common on twitter is Self-promotion. This is accepted on Twitter platform. Through self-promotion you are able to tweet about your company. This is done in regular interval. It will help you to attract traffic to your website. When using Twitter for business, you should Tweet often, tweet short and targeted information to stay relevant and interesting.

Linked in:–

Over 200,000,000 users. Linkedin is your online resume. It will lists work history, skills and also includes recommendations from previous employer, colleagues and customers. You have to keep your profile up to date and accurate of your current business. In general people who do business with you will often Google you and check your Linkedin profile. Business owner use Linkedin as Social CRM (Customer Relationship Manager). When you use Linkedin. You are able to see in real time, what your might be customers are up to, this offers a valuable insight into the behavior. You can also use the status update feature to drive traffic to your website.


Over 100 million users – It is a picture sharing social platform. It helps you in highlighting your products and services in a very visual way. Even if you don’t sell a product, if you share things like company culture, accomplishments your employees charity work and etc, it helps your customers to get an inside view into what your company is up and they will certainly respond positively. Many user use Instagram as a push tool to different platforms like Twitter or Facebook. This is done with a touch of a button.


Over 150,000,000 users – It is another visual social sharing platform. You generally Pin images to your board. This board of your’s is divided into different categories, Now you can simply imagine the views. A user is then able to re pin your pins onto their own boards. Pins are click-able back to the website that they were originally pinned, which ultimately means traffic for your website. Pinterest offers a high shopping component. This means it allows you to include the price of an item, description and geographical location of your product. Pinterest users buy more products and services than any other social network website. It is somewhat is similar to Instagram as many ideas that work with Instagram work here. You can create unlimited boards of your company.


Over 25 million users – Foursquare is a location ‘check-in’ service and allows your customers let other know that they are at your place of business on social networks. Foursquare is for local business. As a business owner with a physical store location. You have to be on foursquare. A majority of your local customer base can be gained through Foursquare. For example if you are a Coffee shop owner, a hairdressers, a restaurants owner and are looking to locals/tourists then Foursquare can help you.

Social media is now one of the most important places, where more and more customers are turning for information about brands. As a business owner you need to get involved. These were the list of Top 7 List of social networks for business.

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