Social Media is the Key of Online Rewards Programs

Social Media

The amount of time customers spend on social media is staggering, and it does not only include private messaging and light hearted content sharing. These platforms are a great opportunity for marketers to reach a wider audience and engage it with limited funds and effort. Thus, running the loyalty program online provides the best way to capitalize on the business potential of social networking and produce hefty marketing benefits.

A Two-way Street

The level of online communication between brands and their audience is rising, and rewards programs have never been more effective. Hence, major social networks are an excellent place to let people know about your program. Each channel has its peculiarities, and equips you with tools for gathering and analyzing rich data. Keep the fingers on the pulse of the customer base and adhere to social trends— this enables you to tweak the program according to wants and needs of the real people.

The two-way communication is the backbone of your program, even when people are complaining or saying bad things about you. This may seem like a huge negative, but this kind of feedback is invaluable to the constant improvement of your offerings. Being responsive on social media allows you to turn even the most disadvantaged situation around. Namely, when you interact with potential and current consumers in real time, it is much more likely you will be able to direct their online behavior.

The Name of the Game

The number of active monthly users on these internet highways is mind-boggling. An average customer expects companies to be attentive, and has 634 members of the network to share his impressions with. So, nothing widens the reach of marketing campaigns and loyalty programs like the properly-targeted message at the right time. It is the best weapon for sparking attention and getting enough people to share and comment about your program.

Apart from the promotional activities, you have to put the focus on rewards and requirements for application. Now, note that reward programs borrow heavily from the practice of gamification. This notion summons a competitive environment of video games, where spoils come to those who complete missions, and overcome challenges in order to win. The purpose of your program, of course, is to treat people for their loyalty and move them closer to another purchasing decision.

Bonus Points

The points can be awarded for customer referrals, page likes, social shares, subscribing, etc. The action you give reward points for should be something that allows people to join in nice and easy. Hence, it might be a good idea to start with sharing because this can be easily encouraged and kept track of. People do not want to take part in time-consuming programs that do not offer tangible benefits:  Account registration or asking for referrals might turn some people away.

On the other hand, nobody will brag about a simple click, and the best thing about it is that each like, share, and retweet potentially increases engagement and reach of your campaign.  Of course, to make the program more appealing, you have to come up with cool rewards. Try to go for universal gift cards, promotional product, coupon, discount, special offer, etc. Stay within the limits of your budget, and you will boost the chances of reaching your audience, meeting your goals, and ensuring the maximum return on the investment.

Digital Socializing

When it comes to the factors that drive customer loyalty, nothing comes close to the versatility of social media. Reaching out to people creates the patterns of communication and behavior that are invaluable for your business organization. When you show commitment to the endeavor of building meaningful connections with the customers, they are inclined to come to trust you. So, it is high time to get social and take the loyalty of the target audience to the next level.

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