Google kept us in dark about Heartbleed.

Google kept us in dark about Heartbleed

The world’s largest Internet Company Google accuse that she kept in the dark about the dangerous virus Hartbleed. Internet users have become its victims.

Australia’s Sydney Morning Herald newspaper reported it. Associated with IT security experts believe Google is selfish and he neglected the interests of Internet users around the world and just think about yourself. She is not the right time to tell them about the dangerous virus Hartbleed millions of Internet users who had hacked the account. Google accused the feeling that she simply select clients informed about the virus.

Some months ago gmail outgae news comes and yahoo server is also down. Many things are happened here but we don’t know reason behind it. But if this is happened from last few month that’s means all are due to heartbleed? This question-answer is not revealing yet.

Hartbleed was in a dangerous virus and open source project, which was a massive error in the software. It would appear that Google was in March, but he remained silent, millions of users have had to suffer the consequences.For know more about Heartbleed read our post What is Heartbleed bug?“.

Security experts say that Google open source software, Open SSL encryption information about the silence maintained notwithstanding. It was dangerous virus in the software and uses it to encrypt the worldwide Internet traffic for websites that five million. Many of them said that Google gave select companies information about this virus. Internet security experts are outraged by this point. For Protecting your website read our post How to Protecting Your Website from the Heartbleed Bug.“.

Because the virus has affected millions around the world online accounts and got a dent in their security. This virus is detected in the entire world as news spread terror. Then took a position at many major websites against it, but so far he has not asked users to reset passwords. Security experts say that passwords should be changed immediately because he poses a risk of hacking. This Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Twitter, etc. not tell which was threatened with hacking at all.

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