Customer loyalty with structured measures along the customer journey

Customer loyalty

Conversion Rate Optimization is about guiding the user to an action the website owner wants. In most cases this is the case of an online shop, the completion of an order, with service providers or in the B2B area, a contact request by form, mail or telephone. But what happens to the customer when he actually achieves this desired goal? “Thank you!” – and bye?

In most cases, the company would lose a lot of potential in this way of thinking. Of course, further customer loyalty is desirable. Strengthening this is the goal of “Post Conversion Marketing”. Here, the downstream path of the customer is optimized, for example, the “thank-you” page of the website.

Since the users have already invested time, trust and possibly money at this point, they will react rather positively to further measures than complete new customers. Depending on the situation, there are numerous possible strategies for this:

1. “We stay in touch”

The conversion has already shown user interest in the business. To further promote this, it may be suggested to subscribe to a newsletter and / or follow the company’s social media channels. It should be explained briefly and clearly what benefits the users have.

However, this measure is only worthwhile if the operator regularly maintains these channels and keeps them up-to-date. This keeps the company in the memory of users and keeps them up to date.

2. “Small gifts keep the friendship”

If users have already found favor with the company’s products or services, they can, for example, use a coupon code or discount to encourage them to make subsequent purchases.

In other cases, the trial version of a new offer can be made available. In both B2B and B2C, free downloads of guides, white papers or e-books can provide customers with more information.

3. “What’s next?”

Another important point is to make it clear to the customer what happens after the conversion. For example, does an e-mail address needs to be confirmed or are customers contacted by phone regarding a service? The better the users know their way, the safer and happier they will feel about the company.

Also Read: How reviews can boost your online reputation for Local Businesses?

4. “Satisfied? – Then go on! “

Customer reviews and recommendations are of great importance to many companies today. Therefore, it can be very helpful to ask clients for a rating after the conversion or ask them to share a product or offer on the social media or by email.

Not only does this benefits the company, it also makes customers feel valued for what they think and gives them more confidence in the company that is open with their customer opinions.

5. “You might be interested too”

If customers are interested in a specific topic, they can keep additional quality content on the website. For example, you can refer to a blog or videos of the company.

Especially in the B2B area, the evidence of fairs, conferences and other events in which the company is present, can generate additional trust among the users.


As these points show, there are many opportunities to retain customers after the conversion. What is important for this is a consistent strategy with coordinated measures in order to ideally reach customers throughout the entire customer journey. The customer must not be overwhelmed, here it is necessary to show tact and much to test.

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