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4 best free blogging platform to create a blog for free


Blogging is the online publishing platform, where we can share our publishing skills and think on the web by creating a blog. Blogging has put freedom to online users to write anything on the web.

Today blogging platform has huge demand only due to, it doesn’t need any professional or technical knowledge. Many blogging platforms are available online which made the blogging much more easy. Using these blogging platforms, you are able to create a blog for free. You have only needed some basic knowledge of Internet to start blogging journey.

Due to the high dependence of online user and trust has been making blogging platform is the 1st priority to create a blog. Now we are surviving in the internet era and blog have high impact to gain knowledge and getting activity updates around the world. So, if you also want to share your thought or spread your writing skills then the best way to write a blog. You can use these 4 best blogging platform to create a blog for free:


WordPress is an open source blogging tool which developed using PHP and MYSQL. WordPress is officially released on 27th May 2003. Today, WordPress is the most popular blogging platform to create a blog for free. It has pre-built templates and plugin which makes it more powerful blogging platform. From top 10 million websites, 23.3% website is powered by WordPress.


It’s Features:

  • Responsive Design and SEO-friendly
  • Huge Community Support
  • Hundreds of theme and plugin
  • Allow multi-site option
  • Customization according to your needs
  • Clean Permalink Structure
  • Trackback and Pingback Support


Blogger is a blog-publishing platform, using which we are able to publish our writing skills by create a blog for free. Actually it is developed by Pyra Labs but it was bought by Google in 2003. You have only needed Google gmail account to create a blog for free using Blogspot. For your blog, you will get a Google hosted sub-domain “.blogspot.com”. It also allows you to linked custom domain or buy from Google at only $10/year.


It’s features:

  • Drag and Down editing facility
  • Easy Publication using tools like Google Docs, MS word & Live Writer etc.
  • Hardwired with Google AdSense and Analytic tool
  • Country-Specific blogger addresses

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3.Live Journal:

Live Journal is a free blogging platform using it you are able to create a blog for free. Not only it will provide a writing interface but also provide a huge community to shared your content or blog. It has also provided a discussion board which gives you more power to spread your blog in a community, which is equal to your writing skills.


It’s features:

  • Huge Community
  • Powerful Discussion board
  • Able to blogging anonymously
  • Available in Various languages

4. Movable Type:

Movable Type is a blogging Platform, which is much like as WordPress. It is developed by a husband and wife for the purpose of creating and managing web content or publishing. You can find many things common in both the platforms, WordPress and Movable Type. It provides lots of plugins to customize the user as well as blogger experience. It is all-in-one Solution, using it you are able to create websites, manage content and build a social community. This is the biggest benefit of Movable type, it is easy to run multiple blogs on a single install.

Movable Type

It’s features:

  •  All-in-one-solution
  • Plugin facility available
  • For interaction with readers, build a community
  • Mobile Friendly blog

Using the above blogging platform you are able to create a blog for free and spread your publishing or writing skills online. Please share this post in your community or social channels. If you have known about that type of blogging platform, then share with us by leaving a comment below.

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