10 valuable ways to improve the rankings for a keyword

rankings for a keyword

We know that all things are begins in Google after the words typed into a search box, these search words called keyword. Keyword is play a vital role for any website, it is very valuable and high return part of search engine optimization.

Today here we are talking about 10 ways to improve the rankings for a keyword.

Before going to point I want to divert your some attention towards keyword monitoring. First you need to monitor your keyword on regularly basis. If you’re not sure how to check, what keywords you’re ranking for? Then, you can use the same sort of technique Which I will follow also. I have use a tool called SERP Robot. I use just cost a few bucks ($4.99/month to monitor 300 keywords/month) to monitor my keyword rankings on Google search engine.

1. Keyword density range:

Make sure you’re in the right keyword density range. How do you figure that out you need to go check the competition? So, I recommend getting a tool like SEO quake which is free and also available asa Chrome extension.You can check out the competition and figure out what keyword density range you should be put for your content.

2. Use images on your content:

You should use keyword rich captions, keyword rich alt tags and your file name could have a keyword thrown in there too.

3. Embed relevant YouTube videos:

You should embed relevant YouTube videos that are within the niche or specifically about the topic.That’s a good thing to put a video on your site because if someone actually watches, it could increase the on-site time as well.

4. Use of Tags:

Use subheadings like h2 and h3 tags throughout your content that are keyword rich as well. Those are a great place to put in your longtail keywords like a question or something like that.

Also Read: 5 Landing Page Mistakes Which Ruin Your SEO

5. Get more backlinks:

To the URL that you’re trying to rank now, you need to make sure these are high quality backlinks right. You can’t go in a Fiverr and pay five bucks and get a bunch of crappy links that’s not a good idea but if you do you know networking within your niche and outreach and you work with other people that are in the niche. So, then you may be able to guest post on their site. If you make friends with them they’ll just naturally link to you in one of their upcoming posts something like that those are the kind of backlinks you want to get.

6. Brandable type anchor text:

Get backlinks to the homepage with like brandable type anchor text. It is a good thing to have links to your home page, if you can get some branded links to your home page that’s a good thing.It will help your overall site and Google search engine to recognize your site further as a relevant brand in the niche.

7. Backlinks with keyword rich anchor text:

Now what is anchor text that’s actually the words that use to create hyperlink. So if you’re trying to rank like best cleaning service for office then you would probably want to have like some words of that phrase best of all point cleaning services in your anchor text.

Now you don’t want to go crazy with too much exact match anchor text but a lot of times it’s good to make sure you have cleaning service for office that sort of thing in your anchor text. If you don’t have much of that then you should probably go investigate your competitor and see what their anchor text distribution is and you want to be sort of in that range as well.

8. Get backlinks from relevant sites:


It’s really good to have relevant posts and relevant sites linking to your site. If your sites about cleaning service then may be great to have some sites about cleaners and that sort of thing linking to your site versus say like a survival site it wouldn’t be nearly as relevant to have the survival links going to your site versus the cleaners site which go hand in hand with cleaners. So, the more relevancy you get the better.

Also Read: 3 ways to get do-follow Backlinks from High Authority sites

9. Get more shares on social media:


We are talking about Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter etc. There are many others you know social sites out there but really any kind of sharing that you can get it’s a good thing.So be active on those specific platforms you know honestly me personally I’m not into social so I just kind of ignore this area but I have had a couple posts go viral on Twitter and seem to help the rankings and it also brought in some traffic which brings us to.

10. Get traffic via YouTube:

Get traffic via YouTube

You’re loved to watch YouTube right? Now I like YouTube a lot over the past 2 years. You can easily create videos and upload on YouTube with targeting specific keywords, potentially you could rank in Google, you’ll rank in YouTube search and if you can get traffic through YouTube that’s a good thing.Of course getting more traffic is a good thing but that sort of relationship can help improve your rankings also.

I don’t have specific test data on it by the way you could actually post that relevant video or thinking back to point number here on your site and have you know the relationship of you know some traffic going to YouTube some views going to YouTube from your site and you’re getting some traffic from YouTube to your site so that’s a great thing to do.

Also Read: Turbocharge Your Youtube Video- Step By Step Youtube SEO Guide To Ranking Your Video

Here’s the question of the day is what tips do you have to improve your rankings for a keyword leave them in the comments below, there are way more than ten ways to do it these are just the ones that I thought of the top of my head today and I’ve had some decent success with them.

So let us know in the comments below if you have any questions about this specific 10 points feel free to ask in the comments below. I’m going to do my best to answer every single one of them.

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