10 keyword tools that are guaranteed to find great keywords

keyword tools

[dropcap txtcolor=”#dd3333″ style=”dropcap1″]A[/dropcap] blind chicken sometimes finds a grain.

This will be the case with your Google rankings if you do not use any keyword tools. They are essential and indispensable for every SEO toolbox.

The problem:

There are hundreds of different keyword research tools on the market. Who should find their way there?

The good news:

You don’t have to figure out which ones are good on your own! Because I’ve tried dozens of tools in my 7 years of SEO experience. From free to several thousand’s rupees a month.

In this article, I’ll introduce you to the 10 keyword tools that got me stuck Tools that I’ve used to find a number of great keywords that I’ve been using for keyword research for years.

Google Tools:

Why look into the distance?

Google itself offers great tools for keyword research and analysis. And it’s completely free!

1} Google Trends (free)

With Google Trends you can see how often keywords are entered by Google users in which country and which region.

The tool is very well suited to determine seasonal and regional fluctuations in keywords. Or to estimate whether the search volume for a keyword will decrease or increase.

It is also great to observe your own brand:

Google Trends

The only drawback:

The interest in certain keywords is unfortunately not shown in absolute, but only in relative values ​​to the total search volume.

2} Google Search Console (free)

The Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) is not only an important tool to find SEO errors on your own website and to help Google to add your website to the search index more efficiently.

It can also be used very well for keyword research and monitoring!

For each website, keywords with ranking, impressions, click rate and click numbers are displayed. This will help you find great new keywords that you’re not ranked yet or could rank better.

With the new Google Search Console, which was introduced in January 2018, data is no longer displayed over 90 days, but over 18 months. In addition, the user interface has been made clearer and more modern:

google search console

[tooltip gravity=”nw” text=”Also Read”]Also Read: 6 Best Ways To Use Google Search Console To Track Your Blog Success[/tooltip]

3} Google Ads Keyword Planner (Free)

The Google Ads Keyword Planner (formerly Google Adwords Keyword Tool) has been the standard tool for keyword research for years.

Unfortunately, it is only of limited use as such.

Since August 2016, keyword ideas only show the exact number of monthly searches for keywords if you have an active ads campaign.

If you do not have an active campaign, you will be fed with approximate orders of 10 – 100, 100 – 1,000, 1,000 – 10,000 etc. :

google keyword planner

The search volume of keywords (e.g. singular and plural) is also grouped together, which makes the search volume even less precise. This means that the same search volume would be displayed for keyword tool , keyword tools or keywordtool .

However, you can do a little trick to get a more accurate search volume for a keyword. To do this, select it from the checkbox in the keyword ideas and add it to a plan above.

Then you get to the plan overview. There you select a year as the period at the top right (in the example, May. 1, 2019 to May. 31, 2019):

google adword keyword planner keyword plan

Then you divide the displayed impressions (10000) by 1 and get 10000 impressions. That means “keywordtool” has about 10000 monthly searches.

However, I find this process too cumbersome. In addition, you should never forget that these are impressions of advertisements and not of search queries, which is not 100% congruent.

I therefore advise you  to use the KWFinder instead (see below).

Note: Please note that the Keyword Planner was developed for Google advertisers and not for SEO. That means values ​​such as bids, competition or CPC (cost-per-click) always refer to the placement of advertisements in Google search.

4} Google Suggest (free)

Google Suggest, also called Google Autocomplete, is not an independent tool, but a function in Google search.

Simply enter a keyword in Google and you will automatically see further keyword suggestions:

auto suggest

Google also shows similar searches further down on the search results page:

google autocomplete

[tooltip gravity=”nw” text=”Also Read”]Also read: 6 best free keyword research tools to enhance your SEO[/tooltip]

Classic Keyword Tools:

Classic keyword tool should definitely not be missing from your SEO toolbox!

Classic keyword tools not only output keyword ideas, but also show other important properties of these keywords, such as B. Search volume, CPC, competition with Google Ads and the search results that are output for it.

It is also ideal if you can analyze the competition within the tool and filter keywords according to their properties.

5} KWFinder (from $29.90/ month)

The KWFinder is my favorite tool for keyword research.

It not only shows keyword suggestions with search volume, trends and CPC, but also the corresponding search results for each keyword. These are displayed together with various link key figures and Facebook shares in a table next to the keyword suggestions:


The SEO Difficulty Score is practical for beginners :

You can recognize keywords with weak competition by light and dark green scores, which is very good for an initial assessment.

You will also receive many other useful tools as part of the mangools Suite, such as: SERPWatcher  to monitor your own rankings.

6} Ubersuggest (free of charge)

Originally, Ubersuggest issued only keyword suggestions, so was a simple suggestion tool. Since internet mogul Neil Patel took it over, it has been revamped.

It has not only got a new modern interface, but now also shows you search volumes, strength of the competition and an overview of the search results.

And completely free of charge and without restrictions!


I mainly use it to get a quick overview of long-tail keywords.

Despite the many improvements, it was not able to replace the KWFinder as my main tool, because…

  • The KWFinder a larger database. For most keywords, the KWFinder shows twice or even three times as many keyword ideas as Ubersuggest.
  • The search volume at Ubersuggest is less accurate.
  • The calculated level of competition is also not as accurate. Ubersuggest tends to assess the competition as too weak.
  • Ubersuggest only outputs keyword ideas based on Google Suggest (see 1.4), which causes many similar keywords to go through your rags (recognizable by the fact that most ideas start with the entered keyword).

Suggest Tools:

If you enter a keyword in a suggest tool, you will get a list of keyword suggestions (without search volume and other data). You can then enter this as a list in KWFinder or Google Keyword Planner:

[tooltip gravity=”nw” text=”Also Read”]Also Read: 6 Best SEO Tools To Perform Better In Search Engines[/tooltip]

7} Answer The Public (free)

Answer the Public is a great keyword tool for finding long-tail keywords. It collects suggestions from Google search and organizes them according to prepositions and questions:

Answer the public

It is also very good for finding out the different search intentions behind a keyword and getting to know the target group better.

For example, the diagram above shows that users who search for the very general keyword search engine optimization on Google:

  • are traveling on the Jimdo and WordPress platforms
  • are mostly beginners
  • small and medium-sized companies, such as B. Doctors, hotels, lawyers, photographers etc.
  • want to read a manual or overview

First of all, this helps you to better tailor your content to the needs of search engine users and answer your questions better.

Second, you can better understand the different aspects of a topic. This makes it easier for you to structure the content of blog articles and to find subheadings.

8} SEORCH (free of charge)

The European service SEORCH  is also great to give you a quick overview of a topic. In addition to a W question tool and a ranking checker, it also offers a suggest function.

This shows you keyword suggestions from various services, such as B. Yandex, Amazon, YouTube, Ebay, Wikipedia and Bing:


Professional tools:

Professional tools offer two decisive advantages when compared to classic keyword tools:

First, they have a larger database. That means you will see keywords there that you would not find on Ubersuggest or KWFinder. In addition, the associated data, such as B. the search volume, more reliable.

Second, they allow keyword analysis at the domain level. This means that you can display the keywords for which a website and its subpages rank.

[tooltip gravity=”nw” text=”Also Read”]Also Read: What Are The Free SEO Tools Used By Webmaster For SEO Success[/tooltip]

9} SEMRush (from $ 99.95 / month)

SEMRush has always been the tool for competitive analysis . SEMRush’s focus is on SEA, i.e. paid search engine advertising, but it is also useful for SEO.

For example, the general visibility of a domain and all keywords for which a domain is ranked. Sortable by search volume, estimated traffic per keyword and much more:


You can also display which sub-pages get the most traffic and for which and how many keywords they rank.

However, my favorite feature at SEMRush is by far the Keyword Magic Tool. It is a classic keyword tool that provides keyword suggestions and shows search volumes.

But with an ingenious twist.

Because it groups long-tail keywords by main categories (left column). Here’s a quick way to see which aspect of a keyword you’re most interested in:

semrush Keyword Magic Tool

[tooltip gravity=”nw” text=”Also Read”]Also Read: 10 valuable ways to improve the rankings for a keyword[/tooltip]

10} ahrefs (from $ 99 / month)

ahrefs is currently the best all-round tool for SEO on the market.

There are tools that can do certain aspects better, such as: B. On-page analysis or keyword research. But other professional tools such as Moz, Majestic, SEMRush etc. cannot match the complete package from ahrefs.

The specialty of ahrefs has always been backlink analysis, in which it overtakes all other tools by far thanks to its huge database of over 12 trillion links.

The same goes for keyword research. ahrefs offers the largest database of all tools and the most precise keyword data.

Research is possible using the Keyword Explorer:

ahrefs keyword explorer tool

This not only shows various keyword ideas for an entered keyword (keywords with the same words, search suggestions and keywords for which the top 10 websites also rank), but also data such as B .:

  • search volume
  • the generic term (for a better classification in a certain topic)
  • CPC (cost per click)
  • the keyword difficulty
  • what the relationship between click and no-click searches is

Keyword analysis at domain level shows the clear superiority over SEMRush. The overview of the top pages looks similar, but for some pages ahrefs finds significantly more keywords.

ahrefs top pages

When using a tool to search for keywords, you shouldn’t forget the following:

  • Keyword tools are never 100% accurate or show you a complete picture of all the searches people type on Google.
  • Each tool has a limited keyword database with a few million or possibly billions of keywords. Anything beyond that is not recorded.

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