Skyscraper Technique for link building and its relation to the SEO

Skyscraper Technique for link building

Yes, I know, you’re probably asking yourself, “What does that have to do with link marketing or SEO in general“?

The link to link marketing is actually quite simple.

What makes a skyscraper so special? 

Exactly: his height. He is tall, stands out from the crowd and is admired by all.

That’s exactly what you want to achieve in the area of ​​SEO with its website or individual keywords. You want to be big and known, so that you will be perceived by others first. Say, Google is ranked # 1.

Now you want to know how to make it as big as a skyscraper.

I’ll get to that in a moment, before that I would like to explain who discovered this technique.

Skyscraper Technique (skyscraper technique)

Content marketing expert Brian Dean describes on his blog ( a strategy that has allowed him to double his traffic within two weeks. This strategy is called Skyscraper Technique.

The idea behind it is very simple and simple. Everyone is interested in the tallest building in the world, but nobody is interested in the second tallest building. That means do what your competitors do, but make it better!

How does the skyscraper technique work?

I want my website with a specific keyword to be found in front of my competition. First, I have to think about which keyword I want to rank high up.

When I search for that particular keyword on Google, I know who my competitors are and get a first glimpse of who I’m actually dealing with. After reading carefully the corresponding content of each competitor, I have to think – “How can I do it better”? Is there perhaps information that may be missing and can be supplemented, or is it possible to include an infographic, is there a suitable video? All this can make a text better.

Of course, I’m not allowed to just copy foreign texts and just add additional information. I have to take the time to create my own text with additional information and graphics.

My finished text, I have to spread now only where he is in demand. Through the various procedures at the beginning, I know exactly which person to contact.

Step 1: Find content that works well with your keyword.

Where and how do I find suitable content that already works well and is well perceived by the search engine? For that there are different possibilities.

Google News: ( )

Just enter your keyword and look at which topic is currently being discussed.

Visually: ( )

On this website, you have the opportunity to sort infographics based on the calls. This means you can easily view and sort infographics on your topic and choose the infographic with the most views.

Buzzsumo: ( )

Here you will find a lot of ideas for really good content. (Not only for articles but also infographics)

Google Search: ( )

Just enter your keyword and see who’s placed on the first page. Not only do you have to focus on getting the first place, just pick out the posts you find on the first page of your keyword.

Answer The Public: ( )

Here you can see all searches that have been entered for a specific search term on Google.

And more….

Step 2: Improve the found content!

The first step is to find out who your competitors are and what content they offer. It is not enough just to know who your competitor is. Now you have to take a lot of time and read every single post exactly.

Now it’s time to make content (content) better than your competitor.

  • Update old information
  • go deeper and get information
  • if possible, incorporate images, videos and infographics
  • write in detail, go into detail and leave no questions open

For example, if the content is about “10 tips for the perfect ……” find all the tips from the individual posts and create an article on “20 tips for the perfect …..”.

[highlight bgcolor=”#bfbfbf” txtcolor=”#0a0a0a”]Important: Please do not just copy the individual things and put them together to form an article. There must be a completely new article without duplicate content. The search for the individual articles serves only as a guide.[/highlight]

2.1 Structure of the article:

Of course, an article must also be properly structured so that the readers can get along immediately.

What should I pay attention to when building?

  • Table of contents with jump labels (if it concerns eg a guidebook)
  • Neatly structured headings
  • the longer the article, the better (length of stay is longer and the bounce rate drops)
  • Highlight important information

[highlight bgcolor=”#bfbfbf” txtcolor=”#0a0a0a”]Important: Do not just write 3000 words and say nothing! Content, details and the substance of an article are crucial! Stick best to the AIDA principle.[/highlight]

2.2 AIDA Prizip

  • A ttention
  • I nterest (arouse interest)
  • D esire (desire is aroused – eg, for a specific product)
  • A ction (plot, The desired product is being purchased)

Step 3: Spread your content in the right target group!

Brian Dean offered his new content to anyone who referred to the original text. His success rate was 11% and equalled 17 new backlinks.

You know your target group through your research at the beginning. Now all you have to do is find out who links everything to the original content. In a friendly e-mail, you then point to the newly created content.


Sample Email Format:

Dear ……., (Speech you or your possible)

While browsing your website, I noticed this article NAME.

I noticed that you are linking to a very interesting topic. (Name of the article)

I have recently written and published a contribution on this topic. (Insert URL and name)

There, I updated outdated information and went into more detail. Furthermore, I have attached an infographic on the subject.

If you are interested, you are welcome to link to my article.

Yours sincerely


Now you just have to wait for the feedback and check if a link has been made.

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