how to write a tweet and follow in twitter?


Today, twitter is playing an important role in online marketing. Every business must have twitter profile to promote their business online. In this post we will discuss about how to write a tweet and who to follow in twitter to increasing engagement in twitter.

Who to Follow:

  • Follow influencers and thought leaders. There’s a good chance they’ll follow you back!
  • Find and connect with other organizations doing similar work to your own. They often produce valuable content that you can share with your followers. There may be opportunities to cross-promote.

Instruction for Postings:

  • Space out your posts. You can use tools like TweetDeck, HootSuite or Sprout Social to schedule posts in advance and spread things throughout the day and week.
  • Consider the time of day when you post. The heaviest usage times are rush hours (morning and evening) and lunchtime hours.
  • Twitter can handle a higher volume of content than other social media platforms so there’s room to repeat your messages a bit. Just make sure you rephrase them instead of copying and pasting the exact same text.
  • If you’re posting content that’s part of a larger conversation, include the appropriate hashtag to link your content to the rest of the dialogue. • If your post pertains to other Twitter users, alert them by including @Nextechage at the end of your post.

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How to Write a Good Tweet

Constructing a Tweet:

  • Tailor your tweet to the audience.
  • Pay extra attention to the first few words since that’s what most people read when skimming. Quotes and questions make great tweets.
  • Include a relevant link or photo whenever possible.
  • Try not to use all of the 140 characters so people who retweet can add commentary (120 characters, including the link, is ideal).
  • Make your tweets short, engaging and to the point.

Hashtags and Search Terms:

  • Use #hashtags to join an existing movement or conversation. Don’t use them excessively, as this will turn people away from your content. Don’t hashtag general words or terms used within the tweet. Twitter will automatically find it as a search term.
  • Conduct searches of the content in your tweet prior to posting to find any relevant hashtags.

Links and Pictures:

  • Use a link shortening service (like to save characters and track the click-through rate on your tweets.
  • Try to upload photos directly to Twitter via the “attach a photo” button so that it shows up on your homepage sidebar.

Communicating via @ and DM:

  • DM (Direct Messages) are private, while RTs and @ mentions are public, so be aware of which you are composing!
  • When you start a tweet with @, it only appears on your feed and on the feed of the person to whom you direct the tweet. If you want to start a tweet with @, but you want it to go out to all your followers, make sure to put a period before the @ symbol (i.e. – .@Example)
  • Be responsive and engaging. If someone @ or DM contacts you, reply as quickly as possible.
  • Curation of content can be just as useful as producing content. See an interesting tweet? Retweet or favorite it. Make sure that you retweet content from reliable and appropriate sources and try to add commentary when you do so. You’ll find that if you promote others, they often return the favor.

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