11 Best SEO Plugins for WordPress to Rank Better in 2019

Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

In this list, which by the way is not the most extensive you can find on the web, I wanted to collect 11 of the best, according to my own experience and knowledge, SEO Plugins for WordPress.

As I have pointed out in an earlier article, WordPress alone brings great help to achieve a very good positioning in the results of Google, along with your as author have to consider some tips like writing for your readers and not just thinking in positioning one or the other I end up putting them “by force” into the content of your articles.

When using WordPress as a manager of your content, you have the possibility to incorporate some Plugins, specifically created, to improve your SEO or web positioning in Google and in the other search engines that exist today, or as a consequence of the improvement in some of the many aspects that Google considers in its Algorithm, which I have called as a whole SEO Plugins.

Now I leave you with the list of these 11 best SEO Plugins for WordPress, to see if the tests and tell me what you think, I have been testing, the vast majority, in the various blogs and websites that I created with WordPress, but always you must be clear that they are just a tool that will facilitate the work to achieve position your blog, behind them you must have a clear strategy of Positioning or SEO.

You can find them at wordpress.org/plugins or directly on your Blog by going to Plugins -> Add New.

01. Yoast SEO

yoast by seo

Formerly called WordPress SEO by Yoast, it is of the three, the most popular, this due to the completeness in terms of the SEO options it has.

If you are a beginner, it shows you a signal, in the style of a traffic light, of how optimized each article of the blog is, giving you tips for an optimal presentation of your content in front of Google, you can even modify the title and description labels of each entry. And page, in this way to achieve a better visual and cardinal position in the results of Google Search.

It also has the ability in itself to generate the XML Sitemap so that you can send them to different search engines; either through Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tools.

One of the features that has been incorporated only some versions is the possibility to see directly in WordPress the tracking errors reported by Google Search Console, unfortunately the creation of redirects to solve errors is possible only with the Premium version of the plugin.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-seo/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

02. All in One SEO Pack

all in one seo pack

This was the first SEO Plugin that you use for everything that refers to the Positioning web, for quite some time, it is very similar to the previous ones allowing you to modify the title and description of each entry and page of your blog.

You can also set the value of the Meta robots; add the codes for verification and analytics of your site along with the creation of the sitemaps.

If you are a newcomer or you do not want to deal with a lot of options, this plugin can work immediately, without touching your options, but you can also “finger” it to your liking if you know what you are doing.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

Also Read: What Are The Free SEO Tools Used By Webmaster For SEO Success.

03. Ultimate SEO

seo ultimate

One of the most complete SEO Plugins for the techniques that refer to the positioning or internal SEO of the website, although its operation is very similar to the previous ones, I have personally used it for years on several websites.

Its appearance is not the most beautiful of the three, but it does have several features giving you full control over title and description tags, noindex / nofollow, rich snippets, canonical tag, autolinks and 404 errors.

With SEO Ultimate you will be able to modify in a massive way all the titles and meta descriptions of your entries, pages and categories without seeing you with the need to enter each of them, another point to highlight is the detection and handling of 404 errors, creation of redirects, without the need for external plugins or Premium versions.

Finally I would like to leave out of this short summary on SEO Ultimate the option to automatically generate internal links between the different entries, establishing a list of words or phrases (Anchor Text) that being within another article link to the current one.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/seo-ultimate/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

04. The SEO Framework

the seo framework

This is the newest in my repertoire of Plugins and is the one that I currently use for my blogs, in appearance it is much simpler than the previous ones, no less effective.

The Plugin comes with everything that is strictly necessary so you do not get dizzy with so many options, although it has the possibility of incorporating more features through a complementary plugin, with some free and others paid.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/autodescription/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

Also Read: SEO Image Optimization Tips and Tricks for Search Results.

05. WordPress Related Posts

wordpress related post

There are many plugins that allow you to show at the end of the content of your article some entries or related articles, this is one of the most complete, showing even a panel with the analytics of them.

With this Plugin we will ensure that our visitors stay longer on our website, something that Google takes into consideration when displaying search results.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-23-related-posts-plugin/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

06. Simple Crumbs Redux

simple crumbs

With this plugin you can generate the known “bread crumbs” or Breadcrumbs, its functionality is very simple and it provides you with a simple Template Tag.

So, you can add it to the files of your Template or a Shortcode so that you can add the bread crumbs directly in the content of your post or page.

You can also find this functionality in Yoast SEO.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/simple-crumbs-redux/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

Also Read: 12 Practical Strategies To Improve Your WordPress SEO

 07. Table of Contents Plus

table of contents plus

With this plugin you can generate a table of contents, which will give a more orderly air to each one of them; Also, I will create new internal links to different parts of your articles, it is very easy to configure and I have used it myself in several Blogs.

Today I have replaced this functionality with a Gutenberg Block built into the Advanced Gutenberg Blocks plugin.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/table-of-contents-plus/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

08. SEO Redirection

seo redirection plugin

As the name implies, this SEO Plugin allows re-routing 301, 302 and 307, in an easy way, without the need to touch and modify the server’s .htaccess file. You can also monitor 404 errors and create a re-address to a certain page.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/seo-redirection/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

09. Broken Link Checker

broken link checker

A plugin that very recently I have been intruding, allows, as the name says, check if there are broken links in your posts, comments or pages of your blog, looking for links that point to both your own domain and external domains.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/broken-link-checker/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

 Also Read: 5 Ways To Create Backlinks That Are Safe For SEO

10. Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps

Better WordPress Google XML Sitemaps

If it is not the most complete XML Sitemaps plugin, it is very close to you, not only creates the “normal” sitemap but also generates one of images with the highlighted images of your publications and the news (Google News Sitemap) generating them and sending them automatically to Google.

Something very noteworthy is the possibility of incorporating documents or external pages to your WordPress along with the management of the sitemap in multipurpose installations.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/bwp-google-xml-sitemaps/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

11. All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets

All in one schema rich snippets

It is known that Google loves Rich Snippets or rich snippets, especially those that are created by microdata and with this plugin you can incorporate them into your blog in a simple way, the types supported by these Plugins are Review, Event, People, Product, Recipe, Software Application, Video and Articles.

[btn btnlink=”https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-schemaorg-rich-snippets/” btnsize=”medium” bgcolor=”#1e73be” txtcolor=”#ffffff” btnnewt=”1″ nofollow=”1″ btnicon=”fas fa-download”]Get This Plugin[/btn]

I wanted to point out again that these are just tools that you can often exchange with another one that is better or more comfortable, in this way to carry out your positioning strategy, specify for you, your content and your blog.

Any questions, suggestions or comments you send me through the comments section below, I will gladly try to help you.

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