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4 Best WordPress watermarking plugins to protect your blog images

wordpress watermarking plugins

Blogging is so much in demand and so as the need for posting compelling images. We all know that readers or viewers will not stay to you page unless your page has the images that is relevant to the topic along with needs to be compelling enough to keep the attraction.

This is the reason why you are posting amazing images, but do you know where are these images ending up to? No, right? In order to make sure that you images are your own, you can use watermarking. This will ensure that even when your images are being used by others, you will still acquire the full credit if the image.

You might be thinking why am I telling you something that will take a lot of time, right? Don’t curse me, as I will tell you the simplest way to create your watermark and make sure your credit goes to you.

Today we will discuss about the WordPress watermarking Plugins that can tag all the images you publish on your website, as yours – without putting any additional effort. Well, you definitely won’t be needing to use watermark each and every image, but by knowing more about these plugins, you can actually get the option of using your own watermark.

WordPress Watermark Plugins:

By making use of these plugins, you can easily and quickly get an access to the adding watermark on your images. This will help to publish the images without the fear of misuse.

You might be thinking, how I will be able to customize it the way I need! Well, this is very common concern and which is why I will be discussing about the few features that you will be obtaining from these plugins. Some of these are to be able to use watermark on your existing images, prevent hotlinking, set the watermark position along with the ability to remove watermark.

So let’s check these out:

Image Watermark:

Image Watermark

This is one of the top rated plugins in our list as it allows you to add the custom watermark on the images on your own. Immediately when you upload the images in the media gallery irrespective the count, this plugin will help to add watermark on all the images.

Also, different people have different preferences of setting the position, this particular plugin gives you the freedom to select the position, upload an image that you want to use, check and set the watermark offset, also set its transparency and much more.

Even when this is a free plugin, you have to face various other steps on your way to the end in order to stay away from someone stealing your images.

This is one of the simplest and most effective watermark plugin that you can use on your images.

Easy Watermark:

easy watermark

Easy Watermark is another popular plugin which has impressive 57 thousands of downloads and has been rated with 4.4 out of 5 stars. This is a great choice for people who are looking for easy watermark plugins.

Undoubtedly, its many features have made it one of the prime choices for the people. This plugin gives you the choice to to watermark the images with texts or images. Moreover, you get choices when it is about giving the permanent identity of your work on it. Then again, you will get the choice to put watermark on bulk existing images on the site, if you want to protect the existing images.

Its “Settings” tab gives you the choice to get lot of control on how and when the watermark will be applied. It includes what are the image sizes or types you are looking for to protect and which images to include.

Easy Watermark is a great choice for people who are looking for ways to protect their images that includes thumbnails as well.

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Transparent Image Watermark:

transparent image watermark

Just like the previous one, this is one of the top WordPress watermarking Plugins that has over 50, 000 downloads.

Well, the features that you are expecting are present in the plugin but some users have complained about the many problems that they face. The major problems they face are while removing the watermarks since no backups are being taken. However, after a few days, the developers have rectified it and the current version is not facing any issue when it is about putting the watermarks.

This is actually the lite version of the previous one that we were discussing and hence you can expect the features like it expect some of them. Some features will be missing, but once you upgrade, it will give the same features. This generally includes the ability to positioning the watermark and ability to put watermark on the existing images.

The only difference is that the user interface is pretty good and therefore it will be great to start by keeping in mind about the low rating yet checking the features.

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This is the free choice, but it is takes a different approach to apply this watermark on the images. When you use this plugin, your watermark is being applied making use of the contents of PHP code and htaccess file that the plugin adds to our site.

This in other word means that you are not making any modification to the images while the process, but adding the watermark securely on the images. Not only is it limited to adding it on the new ones, but also the existing images on your website.

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In the world of competition, your blog needs to walk through the extra miles, which can be done by adding images. And only when you add watermark to your images, you acquire what you deserve for the effort your put into making it. So these are the top 4 WordPress watermarking Plugins that can proffer the best results to you.

This was all for the marketers for today and I hope I was able to give you the full information into the many watermarking plugins. Don’t forget to hit the like and shares, if you liked it. Also, do subscribe to my blog for further information regarding the tech world.

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