8 Surefire Mobile Marketing Tips For Your Business Success

Mobile Marketing Tips For Your Business

In the last few years, it has been observed that more than 93% of the users access internet from their mobile and there will be a constant rise in the number. This is the reason why these days’ retailers are mostly focused on making various kinds of mobile marketing.  When we talk about mobile technology, the only thing that is in our mind is making mobile app.

Yes, nowadays people don’t have time to click on Google Chrome and then type in the website URL as these apps have made life easier.

This is the reason why most of the serious retailers are not only concerned about developing user friendly mobile apps, but also a website that can be easily accessed from the mobile. The only reason is to give users the freedom to access to the website from whichever platform they want.

In the world of marketing tips and tricks, you need to know which one is effective. Therefore here are some of the most effective mobile marketing tips that can definitely become guidance to your promotional strategy.

1. Optimizing The App:

In the world of advancement and mobile technology, these days one can find more than one billion apps in the internet and some of these are launched every day. This is why it is very hard for users to find your mobile app in the crowd.

Most of the Android app development companies focus on optimizing their app to get the name in the top of the list. The reason is very common as this is one of those industries which are becoming competitive every single day.

So far, SEO was a technique which was only used by website developers and designers, but these days it has become a known strategy in the industry. To be more precise, no longer it is enough to just develop and then launch the app. To get it there in the eyes of the users, you need to optimize the apps. You always need to keep in mind that users need to find your app to explore it.

Optimization is the key.

2. Mobile Friendly Websites:

If you think that since you have an app, you don’t have to think about your website then you are making a mistake. All you need to keep in mind that your website is the main face irrespective of how user-friendly your app is.

Apart from your regular users, people who purchase once in a while will make use of your website. They will not again download your app as it will eat their space. Moreover, people who are now the category of “regular customer” were once someone who first used your website to purchase.

This is where your website is a need and this is why you need to keep your website updated, mobile friendly and easy for the users. Not everyone will jump on the Play Store as there are skeptical users around who prefer experimenting before experiencing regularly. This is one of the main mobile marketing tips that should be in your strategy for sure.

3. Keep Short Registration Forms:

Everyone knows that the first time when you are entering to a shopping website, you need to register. It is necessary to keep the details of the profiles, which is why it is always recommended to use short forms.

When you have a long form that customers need to fill up, you are actually driving them away. Noone wants to waste time on boring things and nobody likes to type unless they are chatting with some interesting person.

On mobile, it is a big pain when it comes to filling up the forms. This is the reason why the best and effective choice would rather be to keep short forms. Merge the fields together so that it looks short while the information they need to share is the same. Like in place of “First Name”, “Middle Name” and “Last Name” just keep it simple in “Name”.

Another great way to keep them stuck to your registration form is by clicking on “Next”, as we prefer short and long and lengthy and boring things.

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4. A Dialer Phone Number:

If you are thinking to a phone number to help customer get in touch with you easily, then it is always convenient to put number in a way that the customer can touch and call. I guess you comprehend the pain to copy the number from any website to the dialer.

In order to keep it simple for the user and helping them getting rid of copy pasting, try to click-to-call link. This means you customers will only have to click and the call will be initiated instantly. When you actually pay attention to these little details, you can get more and more customers.

5. No Unnecessary Popups:

If you think that you will keep you customers entertained by giving some unnecessary popups, then you need to know that “No one likes unnecessary and disturbing things”. These types of disturbances can still be endured in a big screen like computer, but for mobile it is a big no-no.

Since these days, it is only about mobiles, there when is about mobile marketing tips, you need to disable these popups. No one has the patience to take a look at these popups which means these should not be a part of your website. This is one of the successful mobile marketing tips that are ignored by many, but to help users enjoy great experience on your app and website, make sure you take it seriously.

6. Don’t Keep Heavy Images and Videos:

As I have said earlier that slow loading time is not appreciated by the customers and the ideal time is maximum till 10 seconds. If your website takes more than that to load, you will be nowhere in the list of favorites.

But then again, you have to keep images and videos, which is the prime factor when it comes to increasing the loading time. Remove heavy videos and pictures from the website or else toy can compress the size to keep away the chances of slow loading time.

Also Read: Seven Ways to Enhance Your Mobile Marketing Strategy in 2016

7. Simplicity Is Always Appreciated:

Would you like something that will disturb you in your way by telling you where to go and all? No! Right? Well, this is the same thing with the users. When you have complex website, you definitely need to tell the users about navigation.

These are really very hard for both you and your users. To keep these struggles away, better opt for developing an easy user interface. Design it in a manner that a 15year old guy can use it effortlessly. When you give too many buttons and features, it can be clumsy and mess for the users.

Less features yet effective and simple is a great way to attract users.

8. Incorporate Social Media on your Website and App:

This is very common and one of the effective steps of marketing. Make sure that you have your page on the popular social media channels like Snapchat, Intagram, Twitter and Facebook with complete information and integrate them with your app and website.

This will increase the credibility and increase the opportunity to get more and more customers.

Increasing the number of customers is a prime necessity of businesses and which is only possible when you have done proper promotion. These are some of the most useful mobile marketing tips when applied can proffer best results.

So this was all for today, I hope it was helpful for you. If it was, don’t forget to hit the like and share button. For more such information, subscribe to my blog.

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