Before creating any website we need web hosting from a best hosting provider. Choosing a best hosting provider is a tough task. Most hosting companies are promising 99.9% up-time, best knowledge support and unlimited resource like this, but actually the scenario is completely changing. So we need to know about smart ideas to choose a best hosting provider.
This post helps you to make a decision to choose the best hosting provider by following below steps:
1. Technical Specification:
First, make a rough notes what you want in your site because host a blog doesn’t need high technical specification, but if you have plans to launch a video website or e-commerce website then need high technical specification. Doesn’t go for cheap hosting because anyone doesn’t give anything from their pocket, you need to pay a reasonable amount for it. So avoid cheap hosting plans due to their RAM, Processing Speed and disk space, which is not enough to serve all your needs. If this happened then you waste your more time to dealing with down-time issue.
So try to choose the best technical specification hosting according to your website needs. Because it will your website more stable and deliver the best resources.
2. Tech Support:
Checks your hosting provider provides 24/7 support or not? I am recommended to avoid those types of web hosting provider, who doesn’t available on weekends or holidays. Only the reason behind it is, if your website server goes down then need to solve it immediately without it you will lose a lot of visitors. It is okay if they take few hours to solve the problem, but in case of weekends if stuff doesn’t available then you suffer most. DO one thing also, before buying try to check their response time by leaving an email. If you have got the email in time, then better otherwise, leave that hosting.
3. Add-Ons:
Check what the add-ons they provide- What makes the hosting provider special from others? Like they provide are not? Free domain privacy, scheduling regular data backup etc. If you find the hosting provider offer you good add-ons which really enhance your website hosting productivity or security then it is the good sign. Before buying you will ask about these type of facility from the hosting provider they have provided or not?
4. Control Panel:
If you are a tech-savvy, there are many things for you, like installing WordPress, setting your FTP and e-mail accounts. All these should be able to do for yourself without helping or calling your hosting provider. If your hosting provider gives you cPanel or Plesk Parallel to make all the above task easy. If your hosting provider gives you a chunky control panel then it is hard to figure out the problem.
You can also like our post: How to make a WordPress website load with Lightning fast
5. Email, POP3, Mail Forwarding Features:
Most people having website want their own e-mail address like, etc. Check your host allow you to setup your email address for forwarding and configuring with POP3 or not? They provide a reliable email software or not? Confirm that, your hosting provider provides you a spam protection security software to stop spam or not?
6. Check Review or Feedback Online:
Do smart search using Google Search Engine. Type the hosting provider name with the review in suffix (“Hosting Provider ”+”Review”) and hit enter. You can search these particular hosting provider companies in social media also and follow the client testimonials or feedback. Try to check their ticket response time, how easy to contact with them for support? Etc.
7. Scalability:
Lastly, an important factor to keep in your mind about hosting provider is that they fit into your category plan for the near future. Stated more explicitly, everything you consider satisfactory hosting now would possibly not meet your needs couple of years from now, when you are ready to start selling your goods online and receiving some really good traffic to your website.
Any kind of web based venture should have its focus on progress, so if a web hosting company might have complexity accommodating that progress it may possibly create an issue. Will they be capable of easily upgrade your account? Transferring from one hosting company to any other normally takes valuable time and effort that may be avoided if the service provider can trek their techniques for progress. In a similar way to all these aspects, perform some research, get some feedback, and make an informed decision.
I think this post will help you to choose a best hosting provider. If you want to add anything more which help the people to choose a best hosting provider, then please share with us by leave a comment below.