6 simple strategies that mimic Wikipedia’s SEOs

Wikipedia's SEOs

[dropcap txtcolor=”#dd3333″ style=”dropcap1″]W[/dropcap]ikipedia obviously can SEO. But why should SEOs not learn from Wikipedia? We have chosen strategies for webmasters that are quick and easy to implement.

Wikipedia is like your own search engine. Users will find information on all topics on a large scale. That’s no wonder: 35 million registered editors and countless other users edit and update the content daily. In addition, more than 1,000 administrators review articles created and changes made.

Also, Google knows about the meaning of Wikipedia and places almost every second entry of the encyclopedia on the first results page. Often, the contributions also make it to position one. We take a look at the factors that make Wikipedia so successful in search engine optimization – showing what SEO managers can do for their site.

1. Extensive keyword optimization

Let’s start with the obvious: Wikipedia entries are optimized in detail for the corresponding keywords. The encyclopedia always rearranges an article around the main keyword that reflects the article’s topic. At the same time, numerous other long-tail keywords appear in the entry, which shows Google: This content covers a topic extensively.

This is not necessarily the SEO understanding of the authors of the contributions. Rather, Wikipedia entries cover a topic so comprehensively that they automatically list all keywords.

2. Detailed and current content

Point 1 has already suggested: Wikipedia has long and detailed articles that illuminate a topic in all its facets. That also benefits the placement on Google. Because: Google has shown in recent years again and again that long-form content over several thousand words sends a positive ranking signal.

If you also add the ten largest Wikipedias (sorted by language), the encyclopedia comes to nearly 27 million posts – an enormous amount of content that Google takes into account in its ranking. And: All content is highly topical – another positive ranking signal.

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3. Precise and concise answers

Although Wikipedia entries offer a lot of content with high information content. They do not kill the user with it. Rather, every Wikipedia entry begins with a brief and precise definition of the topic or term.

This makes the entries not only clear, but also particularly suitable for the Featured Snippet from Google. The snippet answers search queries in 40 to 50 words, highlighted in a box before the organic search results.

4. Sophisticated link structure

Wikipedia is a “pillar page”. In other words, the main entry to a topic provides a rough overview of its meaning and its facets. Links within this article then refer to the so-called cluster content.

This covers a specific part of the topic in more detail. This structure offers a high information density. For users, this means that they can fully tap into a topic with just a few clicks on Wikipedia – an important ranking factor for Google. The usability is very high.

Also Read: What Are The Free SEO Tools Used By Webmaster For SEO Success.

5. High domain authority

The higher the authority of a page or domain, the better the Google ranking. The authority results from the relevance of a domain to a specific topic. Basically play

  • the quality of the content,
  • the number, and quality of backlinks and
  • the age of the domain

a crucial role, how high the authority turns out. For example, Wikipedia has an authority of 100 out of 100 on MOZ’s OpenSiteExplorer. This is due to the encyclopedia’s high-quality entries, with over 5 billion backlinks built in over 18 years.

6. High trustworthiness

The trustworthiness of a site is judged by Google through its TrustRank. It also has

  • the quality of the content,
  • Backlinks from important sites and
  • Linkless Mentions on other sites and in social networks

an impact on how trustworthy Google rates a page. Wikipedia receives top marks from established Pagerank tools. This is thanks to the encyclopedia not only for its content and links, but also for spamming. That makes them, among other things, a NoFollow tag for all external links. This prevents them from being read out as backlinks.

And: Wikipedia blacklists sites that are known for spam. If you have any view then share with us on the comment section of this post.

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